Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis
- A bilateral, recurrent conjunctivitis, occurs predominantly in males aged 5 - 20 with peak incidence between 11 and 13 years
- Usually a personal or family history of atopy
- Symptoms are commonly exacerbated in the spring/ summer, but in tropical climates the disease may persist year-long
Clinical Findings
- Symptoms: itching, photophobia, blurred vision, thick "ropy" discharge and blepharospasm
- Signs:
- Palpebral VKC
- Bulbar conjunctival hyperemia and chemosis
- Characteristic polygonal, flat-topped, pale pink/ grayish "cobblestones" papillae are located predominantly on the upper tarsal conjunctiva
- Limbal VKC may develop alone or in association with palpebral VKC
- Appears as thickening and opacification of the limbus
- Limbal nodules may develop and become confluent
- Horner-Trantas' dots may be seen as small white elevated lesions that represent macroaggregates of desquamated epithelial cells and eosinophils
- Corneal changes that may occur include:
- Punctate epithelial erosion
- Superficial pannus
- Shield ulcer; noninfectious, oval-shaped, circumscribed epithelial ulcer with underlying stromal opacification in the superior or central cornea. After the ulcer heals, an anterior stromal opacity persists.
- Topical antihistamine may have some role in the treatment of mild cases
- Topical mast-cell stabilizer such as cromolyn sodium or lodoxamide is indicated for moderate to severe cases and should be started at least one month prior to seasonal onset of symptoms
- Topical corticosteroids may be required in a severely inflamed eye or when there is a shield ulcer
- Moving to a cooler climate reduces the likelihood of disease recurrence