Corneal Neovascularization
- Pathologic ingrowth of vessels from the limbal vascular plexus into the cornea.
Clinical Features
- Symptoms: may be asymptomatic or mild to severe decrease of vision.
- Signs:
- Fine, superficial neovascularization is most commonly seen in contact lens wearers, and also can be associated with blepharitis, superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis, vernal conjunctivitis and many others
- Pannus or deep stromal neovascularization can be seen in eyes with extended use of contact lens, chronic blepharoconjunctivitis, keratitis, trachoma, toxic chemical injuries, graft rejection and phlyctenulosis.
- Causes: infection, contact lens wear, trauma, chemical burn, immunologic diseases, degeneration or intraocular events such as uveitis, glaucoma and pthisis bulbi.
- Supportive, which directed at eliminating the underlying condition.
- Topical corticosteroid may be applied for gross and active vascularization.
- Diathermy of large feeding vessels and corneal laser photocoagulation has been among the surgical modalities to treat pannus.
- Limbal grafting may be required in eyes with severe chemical injuries and limbal epithelium loss