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Allergic Conjunctivitis
- One of the most common ocular immunologic disorders seen in ophthalmologic practice.
- Usually due to immediate hypersensitivity reaction to a variety of airborne allergens such as; pollens from grass, weeds, and ragweed.
Clinical Features
- Acute, recurrent, transient, and self-limiting condition.
- May also present as perennial or chronic condition.
- Commonly have other allergic histories such as eczema, asthma or seasonal rhinitis.
- Symptoms:
- Acute onset of itching
- Burning sensation
- Tearing
- Signs:
- Red eye
- Chemosis (conjunctival edema)
- Lid swelling
- Conjunctival papillary reaction
- Watery and/or mucoid discharge
- Avoid allergens, if known.
- Topical antihistamines usually helpful.
- Topical vasoconstrictor may be used.
- Topical NSAIDs usually helpful to relieve the itching.
- Topical mast cell degranulation inhibitor.
- Topical steroids may be considered when other agents have failed and in severe cases.
- Systemic antihistamines.
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