Limbal Stem Cell Transplantation
- A surgical modality to replenish or repopulate the ocular surface epithelium in an eye with limbal stem cell deficiency.
- The transplanted tissue is obtained by lamellar dissection of the limbal and conjunctival tissue.
- Lifetime immunosuppression is necessary with allograph transplants, typically cyclosporine.
- Clinical signs of limbal stem cell deficiency:
- Poor epithelialization of the corneal surface
- Recurrent erosion
- Chronic stromal inflammation
- Corneal neovascularization
- Conjunctival epithelial ingrowth (conjunctivalization of the cornea)
- Various causes that may lead to limbal stem cell deficiency include:
- Thermal or chemical injuries
- Pterygium
- Ocular pemphigoid
- Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
- Multiple surgical procedures involving the limbal region