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Clear Graft
- One of the most successful transplant procedures.
- Uncorrectable anterior corneal curvature abnormality
- Severe opacification of the central cornea
- As treatment for corneal thinning or perforation
- Other conditions are pseudophakic bullous keratopathy, keratoconus, Fuchs endothelial dystrophy, failed previous corneal transplant and corneal opacification following infection
- The ultimate goal of this surgery is to obtain a clear graft.
- Comprehensive ophthalmologic examination, complete history of systemic diseases such as collagen-vascular disease and thorough social history prior to keratoplasty are necessary for an optimal surgical result.
- Deep corneal vascularization, chronic ocular surface disease and peripheral corneal thinning may worsen the prognosis for PK.
- Ocular surface diseases, active anterior segment inflammation, eyelid malposition, lagophthalmos or infection should be identified preoperatively and treated aggressively.
- Anterior segment abnormalities such as peripheral anterior synechiae with elevated intraocular pressure or coexistent cataract is commonly managed in concert with penetrating keratoplasty.
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