Alumni Association
As an alumnus of Columbia’s Doctor of Physical Therapy program, you are one of our most valuable resources. This page is dedicated to promoting and fostering an ongoing relationship with our alumni by linking you to important happenings and events.
The faculty hopes your education at Columbia was rewarding and that you feel proud to be a part of the Columbia family. Your contributions on any level help us achieve our goals of continuing to educate and graduate students who will provide excellent standards of care. You can contribute by attending continuing education courses we host, assisting in student recruitment, making a donation to the Programs in Physical Therapy or simply keeping in touch.
We invite you to follow us on:
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Please keep us posted about your personal and professional happenings, events, career changes, etc. We will keep you apprised of annual and special social events, continuing education course offerings, etc., and we invite you to become part of our Alumni Association. See below for details.
Calling All Columbia PT Alumni!
The Programs in Physical Therapy recently launched it's Alumni Association!
Want to reconnect with or stay in touch with your fellow PT alumni, be involved with the PT program, and organize alumni events and activities? Join the PT Program Alumni Association! If you are interested in participating, contact us at
PT Alumni Facebook Group (private)
The Columbia University Doctoral Program in Physical Therapy has established a private Facebook group for alumni. Once you’re in, you can invite other alumni. You can post job opportunities and other news, as well as connect with your classmates. There is also a brief survey we would like everyone to fill out, indicating where you are working, your class year and contact information. This information is required by our accrediting body, CAPTE. To join the group, please email, and provide your name and class year.
Alumni: Send Us Your News!
Please send us your updates for possible publication in future newsletters. Include your name, class year and contact information. Send your news directly to We look forward to hearing from you!
Find information about job opportunities at Aftercollege.