Medical Education Program Objectives

Patient Care
Recognizing their role as a health care professional, students use knowledge and skills during clinical encounters to gather necessary information and apply evidence in a person-centered approach to develop appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic plans as well as health promotion efforts that address conditions seen in patients across the lifespan.
- Demonstrates person-centered care and humility in clinical encounters
- Obtains an accurate and thorough clinical history and performs a complete and focused physical examination
- Synthesizes patient information from history, exam, and other available data such as electronic health records to generate a broad and appropriate differential diagnosis
- Develops and implements a person-centered management plan informed by the prioritized differential diagnosis as well as patient preferences and goals
- Demonstrates recognition of urgent/critical clinical needs and responds rapidly
Medical Knowledge
Students demonstrate knowledge of established and evolving biomedical, clinical, epidemiological, and social-behavioral sciences, as well as the application of this knowledge to patient care.
- Applies foundational scientific principles to the understanding of common and critical medical conditions across the continuum of the lifespan
- Applies knowledge of community and public health principles to the care of patients and populations
Practice-Based Learning and Improvement
Students identify and pursue clear learning goals and explore new opportunities for intellectual and professional growth and development. Foremost is the ability to investigate and evaluate one’s care of patients, to appraise and assimilate scientific evidence, and to continuously improve patient care based on constant self-evaluation and life-long learning
- Continually incorporates feedback and self-reflection to identify personal strengths and goals for growth
- Accesses, appraises, applies, and disseminates published evidence toward the solution of clinical questions that arise in the care of patients
Interpersonal and Communication Skills
Students actively listen to and communicate clearly and with humility with patients, families, peers, faculty, and all members of the patient support system and health care team. These skills result in the effective exchange of information and collaboration with patients, their families, and health professionals.
- Communicates with patients and families to establish a trusting and therapeutic relationship
- Communicates medical information effectively both verbally and through written documentation
- Collaborates with a community of learners to advance understanding and education
Students develop professional identities that demonstrate a commitment to professional and personal responsibilities exemplified by adherence to the highest standards of leadership, advocacy, and integrity, consistent with the VP&S Honor Code, VP&S values, clinical site policies and procedures, and those of the profession.
- Adheres to ethical behavior in all realms of professional life and commitment to integrity, advocacy, and leadership
- Demonstrates initiative, responsiveness, reliability, and accountability
- Demonstrates awareness of the importance of balancing the varied demands and opportunities of professional life to promote personal wellbeing
Systems-Based Practice
Students demonstrate an awareness of and responsiveness to how individual actions and interrelated systems affect health and healthcare. They are able to call effectively on other interdisciplinary/ interprofessional resources in the system to provide optimal health care. Students acknowledge their role and the advocacy required to act within these social and system dynamics.
- Works and communicates effectively as a team member, including on interprofessional teams, to optimize outcomes
- Contributes to a practice of systems thinking, safety, and continuous quality improvement
- Demonstrates awareness of the components of the health care system and its impact on patient health
- Articulates the role of the physician in addressing the existential and emerging challenges of our time
Structural Competency
Students demonstrate an understanding of how bias and structural and interpersonal expressions of discrimination impact health and health care, whether manifesting as social determinants of health, policies that create health disparities, or diagnostic algorithms that bias treatment decisions. Students will adhere to principles of inclusion that foster belonging.
- Recognizes personal biases and their impact on those around them and on patient care, and can apply strategies to mitigate the effects of these biases
- Demonstrates skills necessary to serve as an ally to others and to promote agency in others when there is historical injustice
- Articulates structural and historical inequities and applies strategies to mitigate discrimination in order to achieve equitable health care and learning environments
Students demonstrate an exploratory, creative mindset that includes curiosity, skepticism, and appreciation for ambiguity, which facilitates an awareness of the limits of current knowledge and builds skills and teams that challenge current concepts and develop new knowledge and understanding
- Demonstrates understanding of methods of inquiry and investigation
- Develops a research question, engages in investigation to advance understanding, and contributes to the dissemination of knowledge and work