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Squamous Papilloma
Clinical Features
- Symptoms:
- May be asymptomatic or associated with foreign body sensation, itching, irritation, mucoid discharge, tearing and even decreased vision
- When they become large enough, the mass effect of the lesions may prevent proper lid apposition or closure
- Signs:
- Can be pedunculated or sessile
- Typically appear as strawberry red lesions
- The geometric evenly spaced vessel arrangement throughout the lesions can be seen beneath the transparent, glistening surface
- May be found anywhere on the conjunctiva as single or multiple lesions
- Multiple pedunculated papillomas most commonly develop in children; they are thought to be caused by Human papillomavirus infection
- Have no potential of malignant degeneration
- Recurrence is frequent, especially in children.
- No treatment recommended for asymptomatic lesions because of the high rate of spontaneous resolution.
- Simple excision including an area of healthy surrounding conjunctiva with cryotherapy to the base of the excision can give an effective cure.
- Medical therapy including interferon has been successful in treating recurrent lesions.
- CO2 laser for vaporization therapy may be used.
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