
COVID-19 Mother Baby Outcomes Study

Positive Autism Screening Rates in Toddlers Born During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Authors: Firestein M, Manessis A, Warmingham J, Xu R, Hu Y, Finkel M, Kyle M, Hussain M, Ahmed I, Lavallée A, Solis A, Chaves V, Rodriguez C, Goldman S, Muhle R, Lee S, Austin J, Silver W, O’Reilly K, Bain J, Penn A, Veenstra-VanderWeele J, Stockwell M, Fifer W, Marsh R, Monk C, Shufrey L, Dumitriu D. JAMA Network Open

doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.35005

Risk of Hearing Loss in Neonates and Toddlers with In Utero Exposure to SARS-CoV-2

Authors: Ahmed I, Yu M, Chaves V, Xu R, Lavellée A, Warmingham JM, Firestein M, Kyle MH, Fisher K, Merriman ET, Rodriguez C, Mace W, Fernandez C, Dumitriu D, Lalwani AK. The Laryngoscope

doi: 10.1002/lary.31739

Perinatal Loneliness and Isolation Early in the COVID-19 Pandemic in New York City: A Qualitative Study

Brooke W, Lida E, McCormack C, Beebe B, Atwood G, Austin J, Chaves V, Firestein M, Hott V, Hu Y, Hussain​ M, Kyle M, Kurman G, Lanoff M, Lavallée A, Manning J, McKiernan M, Pini N, Smotrich G, Fifer W, Marsh R, Monk C, Dumitriu D, Goldman S. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health

Assessment of Neurodevelopment in Infants With and Without Exposure to Asymptomatic or Mild Maternal SARS-CoV-2 Infection During Pregnancy

Firestein MR, Shuffrey LC, Hu Y, Kyle M, Hussain M, Bianco C, Hott V, Hyman SP, Kyler M, Rodriguez C, Tejeda Romero M, Tzul Lopez H, Alcántara C, Amso D, Austin J, Bain JM, Barbosa J, Battarbee AN, Bruno A, Ettinger S, Factor-Litvak P, Gilboa S, Goldman S, Gyamfi-Bannerman C, Maniatis P, Marsh R, Morrill T, Mourad M, Muhle R, Newes-Adeyi G, Noble KG, O’Reilly KC, Penn AA, Reichle L, Sania A, Semenova V, Silver WG, Smotrich G, Tita AT, Tottenham N, Varner M, Welch MG, Zork N, Garey D, Fifer WP, Stockwell MS, Monk C, Dawood F, Dumitriu D. JAMA Netw Open


Pandemic Beyond the Virus: Maternal COVID-Related Postnatal Stress is Associated With Infant Temperament

Authors: Bianco C, Sania A, Kyle M, Beebe B, Barbosa J, Bence M, Coskun L, Fields A, Firestein M, Goldman S, Hae A, Hott V, Hussain M, Hyman S, Lucchini M, Marsh R, Mollicone I, Myers M, Ofray D, Pini N, Rodriguez C, Shuffrey L, Tottenham N, Welch M, Fifer W, Monk C, Dumitriu D, Amso D. Pediatric Research

doi: 10.1038/s41390-022-02071-2.

Postpartum Sleep Health in a Multiethnic Cohort of Women During the COVID-19 Pandemic in New York City

Authors: Lucchini M, Kyle M, Sania A, Pini N, Babineau V, Firestein M, Fernández C, Shuffrey L, Barbosa J, Rodriguez C, Fifer W, Alcántara C, Monk C, Dumitriu D. Sleep Health

Geotemporal Analysis of Perinatal Care Changes and Maternal Mental Health: An Example From the COVID-19 Pandemic

Hendrix CL, Werchan D, Lenniger C, Ablow JC, Amstadter AB, Austin A, Babineau V, Bogat GA, Cioffredi L, Conradt E, Crowell SE, Dumitriu D, Elliott AJ, Fifer W, Firestein MR, Gao W, Gotlib I, Graham A, Gregory KD, Gustafsson H, Havens KL, Hockett C, Howell BR, Humphreys KL, Jallo N, King LS, Kinser PA, Levondesky AA, Lonstein JS, Lucchini M, Marcus R, Monk C*, Moyer S, Muzik M, Nuttall AK, Potter AS, Rogers C, Salisbury A, Shuffrey LC, Smith BA, Smyser CD, Smith L, Sullivan E, Zhou J, Brito NH, Thomason ME. Arch Womens Ment Health


The Impact of Covid-Related Stress on Maternal Sleep During Pregnancy

Lucchini M, Shuffrey LC, Firestein MR, Kyle MH, Barbosa JR, Fifer WP, Monk C, Dumitriu D. Biological Psychiatry


Vertical Transmission and Neonatal Outcomes Following Maternal SARS-COV-2 Infection During Pregnancy

Kyle MH, Hussain M, Saltz V, Mollicone I, Bence M, Dumitriu D. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology


Updating Clinical Practices to Promote and Protect Human Milk and Breastfeeding in a COVID-19 Era

van Goudoever JB, Spatz DL, Hoban R, Dumitriu D, Gyamfi-Bannerman C, Berns M, McKechnie L, Davanzo R. Frontiers in Pediatrics


Association of Birth During the COVID-19 Pandemic With Neurodevelopmental Status at 6 Months in Infants With and Without In Utero Exposure to Maternal SARS-CoV-2 Infection

Authors: Shuffrey LC, Firestein MR, Kyle MH, Fields A, Alcántara C, Amso D, Austin J, Bain JM, Barbosa J, Bence M, Bianco C, Fernández CR, Goldman S, Gyamfi-Bannerman C, Hott V, Hu Y, Hussain M, Factor-Litvak P, Lucchini M, Mandel A, Marsh R, McBrian D, Mourad M, Muhle R, Noble KG, Penn AA, Rodriguez C, Sania A, Silver WG, O’Reilly KC, Stockwell M, Tottenham N, Welch MG, Zork N, Fifer WP, Monk C, Dumitriu D. JAMA Pediatrics


Outcomes of Neonates Born to Mothers With Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Infection at a Large Medical Center in New York City

Authors: Dumitriu D, Emeruwa UN, Hanft E, Liao GV, Ludwig E, Walzer L, Arditi B, Saslaw M, Andrikopoulou M, Scripps T, Baptiste C, Khan A, Breslin N, Rubenstein D, Simpson LL, Kyle MH, Friedman AM, Hirsch DS, Miller RS, Fernández CR, Fuchs KM, Keown MK, Glassman ME, Stephens A, Gupta A, Sultan S, Sibblies C, Whittier S, Abreu W, Akita F, Penn A, D’Alton ME, Orange JS, Goffman D, Saiman L, Stockwell MS, Gyamfi-Bannerman C. JAMA Pediatrics


Understanding Risk for Newborns Born to SARS-CoV-2-Positive Mothers

Dumitriu D & Gyamfi-Bannerman C. JAMA


A Review of Newborn Outcomes During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Authors: Kyle MH, Glassman ME, Khan A, Fernández CR, Hanft E, Emeruwa UN, Scripps T, Walzer L, Liao GV, Saslaw M, Rubenstein D, Hirsch DS, Keown MK, Stephens A, Mollicone I, Bence ML, Gupta A, Sultan S, Sibblies C, Whittier S, Abreu W, Akita F, Penn A, Orange JS, Saiman L, Welch MG, Gyamfi-Bannerman C, Stockwell MS, Dumitriu D. Seminars in Perinatology


Infection Prevention and Control for Labor and Delivery, Well Baby Nurseries, and Neonatal Intensive Care Units

Authors: Saiman L, Acker KP, Dumitru D, Messina M, Johnson C, Zachariah P, Abreu W, Saslaw M, Keown MK, Hanft E, Liao G, Johnson D, Robinson K, Streltsova S, Valderrama N, Markan A, Rosado M, Krishnamurthy G, Sahni R, Penn AA, Sheen JJ, Zork N, Aubey J, Oxford-Horrey C, Goffman D. Seminars in Perinatology


Addressing Mental Health in Patients and Providers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Authors: Werner EA, Aloisio CE, Butler AD, D’Antonio KM, Kenny JM, Mitchell A, Ona S, Monk C. Seminars in Perinatology


Telehealth for High-Risk Pregnancies in the Setting of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Authors: Aziz A, Zork N, Aubey JJ, Baptiste CD, D'Alton ME, Emeruwa UN, Fuchs KM, Goffman D, Gyamfi-Bannerman C, Haythe JH, LaSala AP, Madden N, Miller EC, Miller RS, Monk C, Moroz L, Ona S, Ring LE, Sheen JJ, Spiegel ES, Simpson LL, Yates HS, Friedman AM. American Journal of Perinatology


Behavioral Coping Phenotypes and Psychosocial Outcomes in a National U.S. Sample of Pregnant and Postpartum Women During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Authors: Werchan D, Hendrix C, Ablow J, Amstadter A, Austin A, Babineau V, G Bogat, Cioffredi L, Conradt E, Crowell S, Dumitriu D, Fifer W, Firestein M, Gao W, Gotlib I, Graham A, Gregory K, Gustafsson H, Havens K, Howell B, Humphreys K, King L, Kinser P, Krans E, Lenniger C, Levendosky A, Lonstein J, Marcus R, Monk C, Moyer S, Muzik M, Nuttall A, Potter A, Salisbury A, Smith B, Smith L, Sullivan E, Zhou J, Thomason M, Brito N. Scientific Reports


The Effect of Coronavirus Disease 2019 on Newborns

Authors: Kyle M & Dumitriu D. Current Opinion in Pediatrics
