Constitution and By-Laws
Revised May 2019
Article I Name
The name of this organization is the Association of the Alumni of the Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons (“VP&S”) of Columbia University.
Article II Purpose
Established to promote the interests of VP&S and its students, strengthen the bonds of the alumni community, and maintain the connection of each entity to the medical school.
Article III Membership
Section 1
There shall be three classes of members:
- Active Members
- All graduates of the Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, including M.D., Med.Sc.D., and holders of Certificates in Psychoanalytic Medicine.
Associate Members
- All students at VP&S.
- All members of the Academic Staff of the Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons.
- The spouse, widow, or widower of an active member.
- Members are not eligible to vote or hold office, but may serve as members of committees to which they have been appointed.
- Honorary Members
- Such persons are elected to this status by a vote of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee.
Section 2
Formal application for active membership is not required. Section 1(a) Active Members, shall become Active Members upon graduation.
Article IV Governance
Section 1 Governance
The Board of Directors and Council Officers shall be the governing body of the VP&S Alumni Association. No member of the Board shall receive, directly or indirectly, any compensation for their role at the VP&S Alumni Association.
Section 2 Board of Directors
The Board shall consist of a minimum membership of 11 and a maximum of 29 members. Each member shall be elected to hold office for three years and may be re-elected for one additional term of three years. He or she may not succeed after two terms until at least two years have elapsed since the end of the two three-year terms.
Section 3 Nomination of Board Members
Board Members can be self-nominated or nominated by an active member of the Association. Nominations shall be voted on by active members of Association and put forth to the Board for its majority membership approval. No person shall be elected to serve as a board member without having consented to his or her nomination and agree to serve if elected.
Section 4 Council
There shall be a body known as the "Council." The purpose of the Council shall be to work in cooperation with the Board of Directors and to consider and decide upon matters concerning the activities of the Association. The council is limited to the following five members:
- President (Chair)
- President-elect
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Historian
Each member shall hold office for three years and shall move up in the order of position succession without the option of being re-elected for their current position [with the exception of the Historian].
- The inauguration or change in officers shall occur on July 1st
- The President-elect automatically shall succeed the office of the President unless by reason of death, resignation, or disqualification or lapse of duties.
- The immediate Past-President of the Association automatically shall become a member of the Executive Committee.
Section 5 Election of Council Members
Each Officer is elected by the plurality vote of the Association and put forth to the Board for approval.
Section 6 Meetings
Unless otherwise specified by the President of the Association, meetings of the Council and Alumni Association membership will be scheduled at least three times in the academic year beginning in September.
The Board will meet as needed to manage the business of the Association throughout the academic year, but will hold two annual meetings in May and October.
Section 7 Quorum
A Quorum of the Board shall constitute of one-quarter of the available members. Board members may participate in meetings via remote access, including electronic or conference call. Board members’ votes may be considered via prior written consent.
Section 8 Removal of Board Members
A Board member may be terminated prior to the completion of their term at any time with two-thirds of the available membership vote. Removal may be prompted by a failure to attend (3) consecutive meetings or fulfill other governance duties.
Article V Committees
Section 1
All standing committees named shall be maintained by the Council and Board. Additional committees shall be formed but should consist of a minimum of seven members.
Section 2 Honors and Awards Committee
The Honors and Awards Committee works to recognize and celebrate the achievements of alumni in medicine. Each year its members review a slate of candidates to receive gold medals of recognition in the areas of Clinical Medicine, Research, and Service.
Section 3 Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is formed by former presidents of the VP&S Alumni Association and works closely with the Director of Alumni Relations. This committee will uphold the integrity of the Associations’ constitution and by-laws as well as administer the vote on Honorary Alumni membership.
Section 4 Reunion Committee
The Reunion Committee will work closely with the Director of Alumni Relations on planning events for alumni reunion weekend. The fiftieth-reunion class chair will assume the role as chair of this committee. All class chairs celebrating their upcoming reunion are automatic members.
Section 5 Engagement Steering Committee
The Engagement Steering Committee is comprised of a special group of leaders that will represent alumni from various regions. It will focus on energizing the alumni community and inspiring engagement and connections across age, class year, and medical specialty.
Section 6 Women in Medicine Committee
The Women in Medicine Committee shall create a dynamic worldwide network of individuals, who identify as women, to mentor current female students, share career experiences, provide support to one another, and host various events throughout the U.S.
Article VI Dues
No dues or other mandated fees are required for membership in the Association.
Article VII Amendments
Section 1
This Constitution may be considered for amendment with a motion from members of the Association or any Special Meeting called for that purpose, provided the proposed amendment or amendments shall have been submitted in writing to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will consider amendments for adoption with a majority vote.
Section 2
This Constitution and By-Laws shall take effect immediately upon its adoption by the membership and shall supersede any Constitution and By-Laws in effect prior thereto.