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Encapsulated Bleb
- Also called a Tenon's capsule cyst.
Clinical Features
- May be associated with progressive conjunctival hyperemia.
- Signs:
- Tense, elevated, smooth dome with a thick wall aqueous-filled cyst
- Absence of conjunctival microcysts
- Usually appears during the first postoperative month
- Complications associated with encapsulated filtration blebs include elevated intraocular pressure, corneal dellen, and ocular discomfort.
- Resumption of glaucoma medications (aqueous suppressants) to lower the IOP and to allow the remodeling of the cyst wall. The encapsulation gradually resolves after a period of 2-4 months.
- Digital pressure and steroid therapy may be useful to reverse the encapsulation response and improve bleb function.
- If medical therapy is insufficient to control IOP, a surgical approach (e.g. bleb needling, surgical revision) should be considered.
- Repeated bleb needling at the slit-lamp can effectively puncture the fibrous tissue and encourage filtration.
- When bleb needling is unsuccessful, a more invasive technique such as surgical excision of the fibrous capsule may be necessary
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