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Fungal Keratitis
- Rare, but should always be considered when history of trauma with plant or vegetable matter is present or in an immuno-compromised patient.
- Etiology: Fusarium solani, Aspergillus sp., Curvularia sp., Candida albicans, and rare Dimorphic fungi (Histoplasma, Sporothrix, etc.).
Clinical Features
- Symptoms: foreign body sensation, decreased vision, ocular pain, photophobia, red eye and watery discharge.
- Signs:
- Fine or coarse granular infiltrate within epithelium and anterior stroma
- Gray-white color, dry, and rough corneal surface that may appear elevated
- Typical irregular feathery-edged infiltrate
- White ring in the cornea and satellite lesions near the edge of the primary focus of the infection
- In advance cases: suppurative stromal keratitis associated with conjunctival hyperemia, anterior chamber inflammation, hypopion, iritis, endothelial plaque or possible corneal perforation.
Work Up
- Corneal smears for yeasts, hyphae and pseudohyphae.
- Cytologic, histologic examination, culture and corneal biopsy for diagnosis, confirmation and treatment purposes.
- Prolonged course of systemic and topical antifungal.
- Frequent scraping or localized debridement to remove superficial corneal necrotic tissue.
- Cycloplegic drop is indicated to reduce intraocular inflammation, relieve ciliary spasm and prevent posterior synechiae.
- Anti-inflammatory agents and corticosteroids.
- Surgical procedures such as superficial, lamellar keratectomy or penetrating keratoplasty are indicated when optimal anti-fungal therapy has failed to cure this infection.
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