Courses and Seminars

Student Research facilitates educational courses which are open to MD students throughout their school years. These are credit-bearing courses counting towards the dual degree (MD-MS) in Biomedical Sciences.
Courses are organized so that students be as prepared as possible to maximize their student research undertakings.
Courses offered or channeled through Student Research are listed below. There are also a number of Columbia University research seminars available to MD students which are listed separately.
Courses Managed by Student Research at VP&S
Medical Scholars Seminar (MSS) -RSRH 7201, 3 credits
This is a small group, 3 credit, seminar course for VP&S students in Fundamentals interested in research. It meets two to three times monthly during both semesters of the academic year. During the first semester, students attend seminars led by CUMC faculty who are active investigators and who discuss their path to research and their perspective on and experiences in integrating research and medicine. During the second semester, CUMC faculty discuss various skills and topics that enhance students’ abilities to conduct research and communicate their results. Students will select a specific area of research focus and a mentor (or mentors), formally present the proposals for their intended summer research projects, including their hypotheses, relevant background and significance, and the methods they will be using to test their hypotheses to the course director and the students in the class.
Course Director: Dr. Anil Lalwani
Research at VP&S Seminar Series (RAPS) - RSRH 7202, 2 credits
This 1.5-year-long, “open campus” course exposes medical students to cutting-edge research and ideas generated by researchers throughout Columbia University. It is also designed to provide students with an opportunity to 1) hone their research interests and understanding, 2) envision trajectories where they can integrate their research and clinical aspirations, 3) identify a network of potential mentors and colleagues who may play important roles in their thesis and career development, and 4) refine their understanding of the features of high-quality presentations.
Course Director: Dr. Anil Lalwani
Introduction to Global and Population Health -GLHL7206, 3 credits
This course is offered to all students across the CUIMC, but is most relevant to first year medical students. This fall course, formatted in a semester long, three-credit lecture series, exposes students to the most pertinent issues in global and population health today. Experts in specific global and population health fields, such as HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention, tobacco use, or emergency obstetrics, provide an overview of the issues, discuss the results of their research, and guide students in navigating careers in global and population health. The lecture series is held from September to December annually.
Course Director: Dr. Kim Hekimian
Research Methods in Global and Population Health – GLHL 7207, 2 credits
This course is required for students conducting Global Pop Summer Research projects but all CUIMC students are welcome to apply. This eight-week, two-credit course provides an overview of the fundamentals of research study design, methodologies, data collection, and data analysis, with an emphasis on its application in global and population health research. This course is offered in the spring semester and serves as a springboard for students to begin planning and organizing their summer research projects.
Course Director: Dr. Kim Hekimian
Independent Study in Global and Population Health – GLHL 7208, 3 credits
This fall semester provides students with the opportunity to delve deeper into their global and population health summer research projects. You will be mentored by a Global and Population Health Education faculty member as you reflect on your summer research experience and complete a capstone paper. Available to all students participating in Global Pop Summer Research projects.
Course Director: Dr. Kim Hekimian
Independent Study in Student Research - RSRH 8000, 3 Credits
Summer Research students funded by the NIH or the Office of Medical Education can submit a Capstone Paper at the end of the summer and obtain 3 credits through this course.
Course Director: Dr. Anil Lalwani
Introduction to Biostatistical Methods – MSPH P6104, 3 Credits
This course is offered through the Mailman School of Public Health every fall. It is required for VP&S students pursuing the MD/MS in Biomedical Sciences. You will be able to cross-register for up to 2 courses at MSPH without charge.
Please see the Mailman School course directory for more information.
Principles of Epidemiology I – MSPH P6400, 3 Credits
This course is offered through the Mailman School of Public Health every fall. It is recommended for VP&S students pursuing the MD/MS in Biomedical Sciences. You will be able to cross-register for up to 2 courses at MSPH without charge.
Please see the Mailman School course directory for more information.
Columbia-Wide Seminars
University-wide Research Seminars and Events
Columbia University hosts a range of scientific conferences, meetings, seminars, and presentations at CUIMC and on the Morningside Campus which may be relevant to those pursuing research projects. Links to seminar schedules hosted by various schools, institutions, and departments are included below.
University-Wide Events
- Columbia University
- Columbia University Medical Center
- Mailman School of Public Health Events
- Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research
- Irving Institute for Clinical and Translational Research
- Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Stem Cell Initiative
- Pathology and Cell Biology
- Microbiology and Immunology
Population Health
- Population and Family Health (located in the Mailman School of Public Health)
Other Resources
In addition, there are some useful resources within and outside Columbia University that you can consider to better prepare for your research project: