Lab Members

  • Raksha Urs, PhD

    • Associate Research Scientist

    Raksha Urs is an Associate Research Scientist in the Department of Ophthalmology of Columbia University. She has a Bachelor of Engineering degree from Mysore University and Masters and Ph.D. degrees in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Miami. Her doctoral work at the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute with Jean-Marie Parel and Fabrice Manns focused on the dynamics of the lens and ciliary muscles during accommodation. At the Silverman Laboratory, she is developing methods for imaging ocular blood flow and perfusion using ultrasound plane-wave imaging for evaluation of glaucoma, preeclampsia, retinopathy of prematurity and other conditions that exhibit vascular changes in the eye. She has also worked on methods for early detection of keratoconus, evaluation of corneal cross-linking using biomechanical imaging of the cornea and trans-epithelial corneal cross-linking procedures.

  • Suzanne Daly, RN, BSN, CRNO, CDOS

    • Ophthalmology Research Nurse

    Suzanne Daly has been involved in ophthalmology and ophthalmology research for over 37 years, initially as a nurse in the in-patient ophthalmology floor at New York-Presbyterian-Weill Cornell Medical Center.  She became an ophthalmology research nurse in 1986, working with Calvin Roberts on the early use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications for ophthalmic surgery.  She later became ophthalmic research nurse/sonographer working with D. Jackson Coleman, M.D. and Ronald H. Silverman, Ph.D.  This work included pioneering development of 3D ultrasound for ophthalmology, diagnosis of ocular malignancies and trauma.  She left Weill-Cornell to work in private practice and in 2013 rejoined Drs. Coleman and Silverman at Columbia, where they continue to develop advanced ultrasound technologies for the evaluation and diagnosis of ophthalmic conditions as well as novel treatments for age-related macular degeneration and other macular dystrophies and degenerations.