Stenosed Glands in Meibomian Gland Dysfunction

Inflammation of meibomian glands together with meibomian gland dysfunction is commonly seen in patients with acne rosacea.
Clinical Features
- Lid margin vascular engorgement and stagnantion of meibomian gland secretion.
- The gland orifices may become stenosed and when pressure is applied to the lid margin, oil secretion can be expressed through the stenosed orifices.
- Chronic meibomitis may lead to the thickening and blunting of the lid margin, which causes gland orifices obliteration.
- This may progress to chronic granuloma infection (chalazion).
- In a later stage of the gland dysfunction, subsequent superficial punctate keratitis, corneal neovasculatization and scar may result.
- Diagnosis is usually made clinically, however in a particular case where the lesion simulates malignant lesion and clinical differentiation is difficult, biopsy confirmation is required
- Lid hygiene
- Warm compress
- Topical or systemic antibiotic
- Possible surgical incision to enhance drainage