Virginia Apgar Academy of Medical Educators
We are an active community of educators at VP&S dedicated to promoting, rewarding, and supporting outstanding education for our medical students, residents, fellows, and faculty. Membership in the Academy represents not only recognition of excellence as an educator but also a commitment to contributing to the educational life of our medical community. The Academy offers ongoing educational resources to the VP&S community, including:
- The Apgar Medical Education Seminar for developing and workshopping ideas about medical education research
- Visits from national and international medical educators
- Rigorous training in basic medical education scholarship and research skills
- Grant program for innovative medical education projects
- Resources for educators
All VP&S faculty who have been on the faculty for at least five years are welcome to apply for Apgar Academy membership. Each year, a Call for Applications is posted to VP&S faculty. Information on the application criteria and process are posted on this website under “How to Apply.”
Benefits and Responsibilities of Membership
Members of the Academy set the standards for educational innovation and scholarship at VP&S. We gather in our own educational community in Apgar Salons to learn from visiting professors. We are consulted when consequential curricular decisions are made, bringing our educational insight to bear on the learning climate of VP&S. Together, we create the learning environment of the Apgar Medical Education Seminar, where junior and senior investigators bring research ideas and works-in-progress for wide consultation.
Apgar members include course directors, clerkship directors, residency program directors, division directors, and department chairs, making our Apgar community a powerful peer group for VP&S educators at all levels of seniority. Mentorship and peer counseling are organic outgrowths of the communication and access possible through Apgar membership. Being an Apgar member translates into an increase in one’s personal power and influence over the workings of our medical school and training programs.
Responsibilities of Membership
Members are invited to contribute to the on-going functions of the Academy. These include:
- Membership application selection committee
- Providing formative feedback on Apgar Education Research Grant proposals prior to submission
- Evaluating Apgar Small Grants proposals
- Selecting awardees for the Vanneck-Bailey Scholar Program
- Hosting events for visiting professors
- Recommending guest speakers for the Thomas Q. Morris Symposium
- Mentoring other faculty who present research and scholarly works-in-progress at the Apgar Medical Education Seminar