Core Facility Administration
Core facility managers often encounter regulatory, financial, and other administrative issues that are unique to core facilities. The VP&S Office for Research has created several guides, tools, and other resources to help core facilities manage these issues. These include:
- An annual core survey to identify areas of improvement for each VP&S core facility.
- Core day, an event designed to publicize core facilities to the Columbia research community and increase utilization.
- Director forums, regular meetings for core directors and managers to meet and discuss administrative issues unique to cores.
- External user workflows to address legal and billing issues encountered when non-Columbia users request access to cores.
- The iLab Management System to assist with equipment scheduling, tracking of service requests, and billing of users.
- Rate licensing guides, templates, and FAQs to help VP&S cores develop appropriate rates to charge users for their services.
- S10 grant information
These resources are available on the Research Intranet.