About Our Program

Below you will find a list of resources for the residency program in the Department of Ophthalmology.


Available through the NYP-Hospital Leasing Office: nyphousing@nyp.org, or 212-305-2014. Apartment rentals starting at $1,765.00/month.


In addition to competitive salaries, our residents receive the following benefits:

  • 4-weeks’ vacation annually
  • Personal days each year for health appointments
  • Personal iPad or book fund
  • Hospital-issued iPhone
  • BCSC Books – electronic or print copy
  • Set of Volk 90D and Pan Retinal 2.2 lenses
  • Travel/Research conference stipend
  • Annual wellness stipend
  • Annual subscription to Ophthoquestions
  • PGY3 residents attend the Wills Eye review course
  • Monogrammed white coats
  • Medical/Dental/Vision insurance
  • Hospital meal cards

A Top Research Institute at a World-Class Hospital

NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University is perennially ranked as a top hospital in the nation by U.S. News & World Report, and Columbia University Irving Medical Center consistently ranks among the top healthcare institutes in the world for scientific research, placing No. 2 in the world in the 2021 Nature Index Annual Tables. Additionally, our Edward S. Harkness Eye Institute has risen to No. 4 in the nation in National Eye Institute research funding in 2021. At Columbia, your top-notch ophthalmic training is supported by a world-class academic institution, where you will share patients with the best and brightest across all specialties. The combined quality of patient care and research across the enterprise is truly second-to-none, and opportunities abound for the prepared mind.

Diversity and Balance in Training

Approximately 100,000 patient visits occur yearly across our state-of-the-art training sites: The Ambulatory Eye Clinic at the Harkness Eye Institute, Harlem Hospital Center, and the Faculty Practice. In addition to taking care of your own patients for all four years of training (true continuity), time spent in the faculty practice allows for different perspectives on healthcare delivery. An exceptionally high breadth and severity of pathology reaches our trainees, as patients arrive from all over the world to obtain tertiary care from our colleagues across all specialties.

Integrated Internship

To optimize the educational experience for our trainees, we developed a brand-new integrated internship which began in 2021. Rotations have been thoughtfully selected to provide experiences with maximum relevance to ophthalmology and reflect the results of a national survey study we conducted and published this year in the Journal of Academic Ophthalmology (Nanda T, Gong D, Chen RWS, Cioffi GA, De Moraes CG, Dagi Glass LR. The New Ophthalmology Internship: A Trainee Curricular Survey). All of the following rotations will take place at Columbia University Irving Medical Center/NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital.

Columbia Basic Science Course in Ophthalmology

Since 1941, the Columbia BSCO has been educating attendees from around the world about the fundamentals of vision science. Each January, the first-year residents (PGY2) are excused from clinical activities to attend this fantastic month-long course.