Guidance for Conducting Faculty Reviews at VP&S

The Policy

In order to provide faculty with mentoring and regular feedback, a proposal for a new school-wide policy that systematized the process of faculty reviews was developed. This policy was reviewed and vetted by several broadly representative faculty committees, and was adopted after an affirmative vote by the VP&S Faculty Council.

Departments should provide faculty reviews focused on professional development and academic advancement:

  • Annually for assistant professors, including one at year 4 or 5 focused on academic advancement
  • Every other year for faculty at the associate professor rank
  • Every five years for faculty at full professor rank

Faculty 180

To facilitate this policy, CUIMC faculty will use the Faculty 180 tool, an activity reporting and evaluation database system owned by Interfolio. Faculty enter their academic activities into the tool, such as scholarship, teaching, service, clinical responsibilities and so on. The information entered into database is used during annual faculty reviews. Faculty can also use this tool to generate CVs and biosketches.

Please consult your department/academic unit to discuss internal processes and expectations for faculty feedback meetings.

Log in to Faculty 180

Resources for Faculty

Below are links to training videos designed to provide a quick introduction to the Faculty 180 activity tool. The videos provide a useful overview of the platform as well as more detailed information on how to enter various scholarly activities. In addition, these videos highlight important administrative tasks that are critical to optimal Faculty 180 tool implementation.