Faculty Academic Pathways
Columbia University Irving Medical Center expects faculty distinction in each of the core mission elements that define excellence as an academic health center: research that includes the most basic discovery to the broadest population-based interventions; innovative education that attracts top students and trainees and that lays the foundations for lifelong learning; and clinical care/public health intervention that offers extraordinary care to patients and improves the health of populations. These mission elements has multiple dimensions, which singly or in combination might form the focus for faculty careers.
The academic track system creates a framework for faculty and academic units to define, recognize, and reward work done by the faculty at the four health sciences schools. Because scholarly products may vary by the academic area of focus, the system defines scholarly products expected from faculty, as well as measures of recognition of faculty accomplishments that lead to promotion in academic rank for each area of focus. Faculty may use the documents on this website to strategically plan productive, successful, and satisfying careers at CUIMC.
Resources to support faculty advancement
FAQ: Faculty Tracks
Answers to frequently asked questions concerning faculty tracks at CUIMC can be found on the FAQ page.
Materials and Resources for Academic Appointments and Promotions
The “at CUMC” title is used for faculty who may have a broader range of activities in four areas of focus including variable mixtures of applied health sciences (clinical and/or public health interventions), educational activities, investigational activities, and/or activities in the area of quality and patient safety. The areas of focus do not appear in faculty titles. Rather, titles in this track include the academic rank along with the suffix "at CUMC."
Faculty with an "at CUMC" title frequently make significant, high-quality contributions in one or more of the areas of focus. All academic contributions are considered at the time of academic advancement.