Organizational Milestones

Historical timeline collage.


Samuel Bard, the first dean.

King’s College establishes the second medical school in the 13 Colonies


A handwritten letter documenting the awarding of the first MD degree in the 13 Colonies by King's College to Robert Tucker.

King’s College awards first MD degree in the 13 Colonies (to Robert Tucker)


A rival medical school, the College of Physicians and Surgeons, is founded by a charter from the New York State Board of Regents


After years of decline, Columbia’s medical school faculty join the College of Physician and Surgeons on Barclay Street near City Hall


Old P&S building.

William Henry Vanderbilt donates land on 59th Street, between Ninth and 10th avenues, and $300,000 for a new P&S building, a record-setting gift to a medical school


P&S extends the course of study to three years (it was extended to four years in 1894)


P&S and Columbia medical school fully merge


Nobel Peace Laureate John R. Mott founds what would become the P&S Club, the most comprehensive student activities organization in American medical education


George Crocker.

George Crocker donates $50,000 to P&S for cancer research, inaugurating a formal study of the disease at Columbia


Gulli Lindh Muller.

P&S admits it first women students, thanks to the efforts of Gulli Lindh Muller, a Barnard College graduate


Land in Washington Heights donated by Edward S. Harkness and his mother, Mrs. Stephen Harkness.

Edward S. Harkness and his mother, Mrs. Stephen Harkness, donate 22 acres in Washington Heights to Columbia and Presbyterian Hospital as a site for a new medical center


Medical Centre opening.

The new $25 million Medical Centre—the “largest and most modern in the world”—opens after an Oct. 12 dedication


Old Bard Hall.

Bard Hall, the first P&S dormitory, opens


Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital in Cooperstown, N.Y., becomes the first P&S teaching affiliate outside New York City


 Nobelists Watson and Crick.

P&S celebrates its bicentennial with a three-day symposium on genetics and development with participants that included Nobelists Watson and Crick and other Nobel Prize winners


Lucille Shapiro.

Lucille Shapiro, PhD, becomes the first woman to chair a P&S department. She was recruited from Albert Einstein College of Medicine, where she chaired molecular biology, to be chair of microbiology at P&S.


First White Coat Ceremony.

The White Coat Ceremony, the first of its kind in the United States, welcomes incoming P&S students to the medical profession


Columbia Trustees approve making the nursing and public health schools separate faculties from the medical school (the dental faculty separated from the Faculty of Medicine in 1959)


Columbia University Medical Center.

Columbia’s four health sciences schools and the biomedical sciences programs of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences are united under a new name, Columbia University Medical Center


Roy and Diana Vagelos Education Center.

The Roy and Diana Vagelos Education Center is dedicated