Alumni in Print
By Bonita Eaton Enochs
Reichel’s Care of the Elderly: Clinical Aspects of Aging
William Reichel’61
Cambridge University Press, 2016
In this fully updated seventh edition, Dr. Reichel’s team of editors continues to offer the pioneering text for health professionals interested in the unique problems of an increasing elderly population. The guide, designed as a practical and useful guide for all health specialists, emphasizes clinical management of elderly patient problems that range from simple to complex. Updated and reorganized chapters reflect the clinical approach to aging. After describing a general approach to the management of older adults, chapters review common geriatric syndromes and an organ-based review of care. The text also addresses principles of care, including care in special situations, psychosocial aspects of our aging society, and organization of care. Particular emphasis is placed on cost-effective, patient-centered care.
Motor Disorders, 3rd Edition
David S. Younger’81
American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine/Rothstein Publishing, 2015
The third edition of the book Dr. Younger edits—the first new edition in eight years—has been updated and expanded by 70 leading authorities, giving a single, encyclopedic yet scholarly summary of scientific advances and new clinical practices. Called the most international, comprehensible, and practical volume of current neurology and neuromuscular disorders, the book has updates that include advances in neurogenetics, neuroimmunology, neurophysiology, neuroimaging, neuropharmacology, and neurorehabilitation. The book includes adult and pediatric motor disorders. The book is organized to include perspectives from multiple subspecialties, providing a comprehensive and concise account of any disorder with motor manifestations.
Riddles in Accountable Healthcare
Eran Bellin’82
CreateSpace, 2015
Dr. Bellin’s book, subtitled “A primer to develop analytic intuition for medical homes and population health,” combines entertaining insights with real-world information to provide a thoughtful and humorous guide to intuitive data analysis for medical students, professionals, and the public. Called an exploration of how we think about health care data, the book has sections on solving riddles in health care, preventing readmissions, accountability, data analytics and predictive models, developing longitudinal intuition, population health, the obesity epidemic trilogy, and silencing death (the unsolved riddle). “Health care riddles are solvable with the right mindset and tools,” says Dr. Bellin.
Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
John Markowitz’82
Oxford University Press, 2016
Dr. Markowitz, a psychotherapy researcher, has challenged the near dogma that exposing patients to trauma reminders is the only way to treat post-traumatic stress disorder. His research has revealed that interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT), which focuses on interpersonal consequences of PTSD rather than on re-living the trauma, works as well as the best-tested exposure treatments and has advantages for some patients. IPT had higher response rates and lower dropout rates than did prolonged exposure therapy, particularly for patients who were also suffering from major depression. His new book is a treatment manual of IPT for PTSD and may offer therapists and patients a novel way to deal with PTSD.
Sex After Service: A Guide for Military Service Members, Veterans, and the People Who Love Them
Drew A. Helmer’97
Rowman and Littlefield, 2015
Dr. Helmer’s book discusses the physical and psychological hardships for military service members and veterans following deployment. The book begins with an introduction to the basic concepts of sexual health then discusses the effects of combat on overall health, sexual health and function, and the differences in effects between men and women. Dr. Helmer includes stories from veterans throughout the book to illustrate some of the challenges and complex situations they face during combat and after returning home. The author also outlines a process for determining when a sexual health issue becomes problematic enough to seek help and where to find help.
Eat This Not That When You’re Expecting: The Doctor-Recommended Plan for Baby and You! Your Complete Guide to the Very Best Foods for Every Stage of Pregnancy
Jennifer Ashton’00
Galvanized Books, 2016
Dr. Ashton’s third book provides seven new simple meal plans every week to offer expectant mothers a guide on what to eat for each trimester of their pregnancies. The book is co-authored by Dave Zinczenko, who wrote the “Eat This, Not That!” series to help people eat healthier. The time to lay the groundwork for a diet that will give pregnant women energy and feed their babies is the first trimester, when prenatal vitamins also are important. Lemon and ginger may help with morning sickness. Foods to avoid during the first trimester: rich, fatty foods and sugary beverages. The book continues to detail good and bad foods and when to increase calories. It also recommends grocery store brand names, which dishes to order at restaurants, and which delicious meals to cook at home.
Coulrophobia & Fata Morgana
Jacob M. Appel’09
Black Lawrence Press, 2016
One reviewer of Dr. Appel’s third collection of short stories praised it for examining “the intersections of love and power and insight and betrayal” through uniquely etched portraits. The 10 pieces, with titles that include “The Butcher’s Music,” “Saluting the Magpie,” and “Hearth and Home,” draw from his experience in medicine and the law (he has degrees in both plus degrees in fiction writing and bioethics). As another reviewer described it: “The characters are not people you meet every day. Plucked from the imagination of the writer, they attempt to force behavior with varying results. … Appel’s latest book features the superior mirage, and like a mirage, the stories within reflect a distorted and sometimes unrecognizable reality.”