Commencement 2013

Lee Goldman giving a speech at Commencement 2013.

Faculty Awards

  • P&S Distinguished Service Awards were presented to Andrew L. Wit, PhD, professor emeritus of pharmacology, and Linda Lewis, MD, clinical professor emeritus of neurology.
  • Charles W. Bohmfalk Awards were presented to Penelope Boyden, PhD, professor of pharmacology, for pre-clinical teaching, and Deborah P. Jones, MD, assistant professor of medicine at CUMC, for clinical teaching. 
  • The Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine Award presented by the Arnold P. Gold Foundation was given to Emily DiMango, MD, associate professor of medicine at CUMC. 
  • The Dr. Harold and Golden Lamport Research Award in basic sciences was given to Randy M. Bruno, PhD, assistant professor of neuroscience. Christian Schulze, MD, PhD, the Florence Irving Assistant Professor of Medicine, received the Dr. Harold and Golden Lamport Research Award in clinical sciences.
  • The Stevens Triennial Prize was awarded to Carol A. Mason, PhD, professor of pathology & cell biology, neuroscience, and ophthalmic science.
  • The Distinguished Teacher Award was given by the Class of 2013 to Michael Devlin, MD, professor of psychiatry at CUMC.

Student Awards and Prizes

(Alpha Omega Alpha, the national honor society for medicine)
Aliza S. Alter, Eric M. Bank, David Bejar, Caitlin B. Clancy, 
Rebecca D. Eskin, William A. Freed-Pastor, Irmina A. 
Gawlas, Jordan E. Ireton, Gregory L. Judson, Colleen E. 
Kays, Jacob M. Kriegel, Joseph P. Lazar, Quinn T.C. Leslie, 
Thomas H. McConville, Jose R. McFaline Figueroa, Anne C. 
Onishi, Anuraag S. Parikh, Ashley M. Pritchard, Robert S. 
Rogers, Lauren D. Rosenberg, Daniel Rubin, Saachi Sachdev, 
Jamal N. Shillingford, Robert C. Spang III, Justin T. Ward, 
Forrest N. White, Meredith C. Winter

Dr. Harry S. Altman Award
(outstanding achievement in pediatric ambulatory care) 
Camila M. Mateo

Alumni Association Award
(recognition of interest in and devotion to the College of 
Physicians & Surgeons and its Alumni Association)
Peter Liou

AAN Medical Student Prize for Excellence in Neurology
Jose R. McFaline Figueroa

Virginia P. Apgar Award
(excellence in anesthesiology) 
Herng-Yu S. Chang

Michael H. Aranow Memorial Prize
(best exemplifying the caring and humane qualities of the practicing physician) 
David Bejar

Herbert J. Bartelstone Award
(exceptional accomplishments in pharmacology) 
Aliza S. Alter

Behrens Memorial Prize in Ophthalmology
(outstanding graduate entering ophthalmology)
Matthew D. Nguyen

Edward T. Bello, MD, Listening Award
(to a graduating student who best portrays the art of listening to patients, colleagues, and self in practicing the chosen field of medicine) 
Khalid I.A. Hassan

Robert G. Bertsch Prize
(emulating Dr. Bertsch’s ideals of the humane surgeon) 
Anthony A. Anagnostou

Coakley Memorial Prize
(outstanding achievement in otolaryngology) 
Christen J. Lennon

Titus Munson Coan Prize
(best essay in biological sciences) 
William Freed-Pastor and 
Priyamvada Rajasethupathy

Titus M. Coan Prize for Excellence in Research
Basic cell & molecular biology – David M. Schneider
Translational biology – Nsikan Akpan

Thomas F. Cock Prize
(excellence in obstetrics & gynecology)
Marianne N. DiNapoli and Anne A. Holland

Rosamond Kane Cummins’52 Award
(graduate entering orthopedics with academic excellence, sensitivity, kindness, devotion to patients, and the fine human qualities that she exemplified) 
Katherine A. Rosenwasser

Dean’s Award for Excellence 
in Research/Graduate School of 
Arts and Sciences at P&S 
Christine M. Constantinople

Endocrine Society’s Medical Student Achievement Award 
Saachi Sachdev

Daniel J. Fink, MD, Memorial Prize
(awarded to the student who best exemplifies Dr. Fink’s enthusiasm for the study and practice of medicine) 
Elizabeth A. Godbey

Louis Gibofsky Memorial Prize
(for research work in areas of nephrology, renal immunology, renal physiology, or transplant immunology) 
Jacob E. Tulipan

Glasgow-Rubin Achievement Award
(presented to women graduating in the top 10 percent of their class)
Aliza S. Alter, Caitlin B. Clancy, Rebecca D. Eskin, Colleen E. Kays, Anne C. Onishi, Ashley M. Pritchard, Saachi Sachdev, Meredith C. Winter

Gold Humanism Honor Society
Aliza S. Alter, Eric M. Bank, Deirdre A. Brazil, Emily C. Broun, Caitlin B. Clancy, Marianne N. DiNapoli, Samantha C. Do, Peter M. Einersen, Hilary M. Grubb, Jonathan D. Hansen, Khalid I.A.  Hassan, Colleen E. Kays, Kathryn A. Keegan, Matthew W. Kron, Joseph P. Lazar, Yitian Liu, Camila M. Mateo, Erika J. Mejia, Colin J. Orr, Brooke B. Redmond, Jose R. Regalbuto, Steve A.  Situ, Derek B. Smith, Ruth W. Stefanos, Meredith C. Winter

Dr. Charles E. Hamilton Award
(excellence in pulmonary disease) 
Robert S. Rogers

Izard Prize for Research in Cardiology 
Jessica A. Fleitman

Janeway Prize
(highest achievement and abilities in the graduating class) 
Robert S. Rogers

Jerry Jacobs Prize in Pediatrics
(excellence in the differential diagnosis and treatment of disorders in children) 
Saira Siddiqui

Albert B. Knapp Scholarship
(awarded at the conclusion of the third year to the medical students with highest scholarship in the first three years) 
Robert S. Rogers and Saachi Sachdev

John K. Lattimer Prize in Urology
(outstanding essay in urology) 
Scott M. Stevenson

Samuel and Beatrice Leib Memorial Prize in Ophthalmology
(outstanding graduate entering ophthalmology) 
Rohini Rao

Donald A.B. Lindberg, MD, (P&S’58) Award for Excellence in Biomedical Informatics
Christian Rose

Barbara Liskin Memorial Award in Psychiatry
(for student who exemplifies empathy, scholarship, and excellence exhibited by 
Dr. Barbara Liskin) 
Blair W. Uniacke

Robert F. Loeb Award
(excellence in clinical medicine) 
William Freed-Pastor and Saachi Sachdev

F. Lowenfish Prize in Dermatology
(creative research in dermatology) 
Lisa R. Rothman and Nicole A. Weitz

Alfred M. Markowitz Endowment for Scholars
(for student who exemplifies Dr. Markowitz’s dedication to patient care, teaching, and scholarship) 
Irmina A. Gawlas

Dr. Cecil G. Marquez BALSO Student Award
(outstanding contribution to the Black and Latino Student Organization and the minority community) 
Camila M. Mateo

Edith and Denton McKane Memorial Award
(outstanding research in ophthalmology) 
Stacy M. Scofield

James M. McKiernan, MD, Prize 
for Compassionate Care (student most capable of combining humanism, medical knowledge, and compassion)
Dara D. Holder

Medical Society of the State of New York Community Service Award 
John P. Sheehy

Dr. Harold Lee Meirhof Memorial Prize
(excellence in pathology over the four years in medical school)
Derek H. Oakley

Drs. William Nastuk, Beatrice Seegal, and Konrad Hsu Award
(for demonstrated successful laboratory collaboration between student and faculty) 
Christen J. Lennon and 
Jose R. McFaline Figueroa

Marie Nercessian Memorial Award
(for student exhibiting care, unusual concern, and dedication to helping sick people) 
Christen J. Lennon

New York Orthopedic Hospital Award
(outstanding performance in research and clinical work)
Matthew D. Riedel

The Daniel Noyes Brown Primary Care Scholar Award
(recognizes the recipients’ commitment to primary care and community service)
Rebecca D. Eskin, Hilary M. Grubb, 
Colleen E. Kays, Ruth W. Stefanos, 
and Nicole A. Weitz 

Office of Student Affairs 
Outstanding Service to P&S Award

(outstanding contribution to improve the quality of life of his or her peers while at P&S)
Stefan K. Flores and Sue Gu

Outstanding Student in Family Medicine Award
(for demonstrated academic achievement in the area of family medicine and initiative in community health service and an understanding and commitment to the principles of family medicine)
Deirdre A. Brazil and Floria W. Chi

Donald M. Palatucci Prize
(awarded to a student in the fall of his/her fourth year who is in the upper one-third of the class, who exemplifies, through activities in art, music and literature, that living and learning go together, and whose interactions with patients reflect kindness, humor, compassion, candor, and zest for life) 
Jon-Michael E. Caldwell 
and Samantha C. Do

Joseph Garrison Parker Award
(for student exemplifying through activities in art, music, literature, and the public interest the fact that living and learning go together)
Peter Liou and Justin Ward

Excellence in Public Health Award
Camila M. Mateo

Drs. Robert A. Savitt and George H. McCormack Award
(student who exemplifies Dr. George McCormack’s medical skill, consideration, understanding, and compassion)
Lauren A. Mautner and 
Thomas H. McConville

Rebecca A. Schwarz Memorial Prize
(achievement in pediatric cardiology) 
Joseph P. Lazar and Jacob M. Kriegel

Helen M. Sciarra Prize in Neurology
(outstanding achievement in neurology) 
Daniel B. Rubin

Aura E. Severinghaus Scholar
(superior academic achievement) 
David Bejar

Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Award
(excellence in specialty of emergency medicine) 
Kimberly A. Stanford

Miriam Berkman Spotnitz Award
(excellence in research of neoplastic diseases) 
Peter Liou and Christian C. Rose

Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine Award
(excellence in science and compassion in patient care) 
Camila M. Mateo

William Perry Watson Prize in Pediatrics
(excellence in pediatrics) 
Colleen E. Kays

Dr. William Raynor Watson Memorial Award
(excellence in psychiatry throughout 
four years of medical school) 
Kathryn A. Keegan

Dr. Allen O. Whipple Memorial Prize
(outstanding performance in surgery) 
Anne C. Onishi

Sigmund L. Wilens Prize
(excellence in pathology) 
Simon Sung