Michael Johnson, MPT, DSc, OCS, SCS

  • Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine (Physical Therapy) at CUMC
Profile Headshot


Originally from Oregon, Dr. Johnson is a veteran of the United States Army, serving as a physical therapist for 21 years, retiring in July of 2015. He is a graduate of the Physical Therapy Program at Western University of Health Sciences in Pomona, California. He earned his Doctorate of Science in Sports Physical Therapy from Baylor University upon completion of the Army/Baylor Clinical Sports Residency at the United States Military Academy, West Point, New York.

Dr. Johnson worked in a variety of clinical assignments in the Army and deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom on 4 different occasions. He holds dual PT licenses in New York and Oregon and is certified by the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialists for orthopedics (2001) and sports (2006).

He continues to practice at the Cadet Physical Therapy Clinic at the United States Military Academy, where he was a faculty member and director of the Army/Baylor Sports Clinical Residency. He has particular interests in adolescent athletes and injury prevention, diagnostic imaging and residency/fellowship programs.

His professional expertise includes direct access/military medicine, orthopedics/sports rehab, diagnostic imaging, and adolescent sports/injury prevention.

Academic Appointments

  • Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine (Physical Therapy) at CUMC

Administrative Titles

  • Director, Columbia University Irving Medical Center Clinical Residency in Orthopedics, Programs in Physical Therapy

Credentials & Experience

Education & Training

  • BS, Exercise Science, Oregon State University
  • MPT, Physical Therapy, Western University Health Sciences
  • DSc, 2005 Physical Therapy, Baylor University

Honors & Awards

Orthopedic Clinical Specialist, American Board of Physical Therapy Specialists
Sports Clinical Specialist, American Board of Physical Therapy Specialists


Research Interests:

Diagnostic Imaging, Orthopedics, Clinical Case Management, Physical Agents, Pharmacology

Selected Publications

1. Johnson, Michael R. Rehabilitation Following Surgery for Glenohumeral Instability: A Review Article. Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review, 2017; 25 (3).

2. Crowell MS, Johnson MR, Dembowski SC, Westrick RB, Goss DL. Diagnostic Imaging in a Direct-Access Sports Physical Therapy Clinic: A 2-Year Retrospective Practice Analysis. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 2016; 11(5).

3. Mendola J, Johnson M, Goss D. Fibular Fracture in a Female Rugby Player. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2016; 46(7): 608

4. Cordova, C., Dembowski, S., Johnson, M., Combs, J., Svoboda, S. Osteiod Osteoma of the Femoral Neck in Athletes: Two Case Reports Differentiating From Femoral Neck Stress Injuries. Sports Health; October 2015.

5. Garrison M, Westrick RB, Johnson MR, Association between the functional movement screen and injury rate in college athletes. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy 2015; 10 (1): p. 21.

6. Johnson MR, Cameron KL, Owens BD. Quick Questions In Ankle Sprains: Expert Advice in Sports Medicine (McKeon et.al). Book chapter: What are the Key Rehabilitation Considerations for Producing the Best Clinical Outcomes Following Lateral Ankle Reconstruction? Slack Incorporated, 2015.

7. Shepard NP, Westrick RB, Johnson MR. Fracture of the Capitate Not Visualized on Radiograph. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2014;44(7):541

8. Garrison MP, Westrick RB, Johnson MR. Acute Lumbar Swelling in a College Aged Snowboarder. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 2014; 44(3):223.

9. Shepard NP, Westrick RB, Johnson MR. Fractures of the second and third metacarpals resulting from a punch mechanism. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 2014; 44(2):129.

10. Westrick RB, Fogarty BT, Johnson MR, Posterior Labral Tear with a Paralabral Cyst Causing Suprascapular Nerve Compression. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 2013; 43 (7): 511.

11. Dembowski SD, Westrick RB, Zylstra E, Johnson MR. Treatment of Hamstring Strain in a Collegiate Pole Vaulter Integrating Dry Needling with an Eccentric Training Program: A Resident's Case Report, International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, June 2013.

12. Shepard, NP, Westrick RB, Johnson MR. Diagnosis and Treatment of a Pectoralis Major Avulsion Injury in a 19 year old male: A Residents' Case Report. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2013; 8(6): 862-870.

13. Johnson M, Fogarty B, Alitz C, and Gerber J. Non-FOOSH Scaphoid Fractures in Young Athletes: A Case Series and Short Clinical Review. Sports Health. 2012: Vol 20.

14. Johnson MR, Stoneman PD. Comparison of a Lateral Hop Test Versus a Forward Hop Test for functional Evaluation of Lateral Ankle Sprains. Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery, 2007: May-June 46(3), pp.162-174.