Dawn Nilsen, EdD, OTR/L, FAOTA
- Professor of Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine (Occupational Therapy) at CUMC

Academic Appointments
- Professor of Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine (Occupational Therapy) at CUMC
Administrative Titles
- Director, Programs in Occupational Therapy
- Vice Chair, Department of Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine
- Assistant Dean, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons
- Female
Credentials & Experience
Education & Training
- BS, Occupational Therapy, New York University
- MS, Cell Biology and Anatomy, New York Medical College
- EdM, Motor Learning and Control, Teachers College, Columbia University
- EdD, Motor Learning and Control, Teachers College, Columbia University
Committees, Societies, Councils
- 2020 – present. Virginia Apgar Academy of Medical Educators, CUIMC.
- 2011 – present. New York State Occupational Therapy Association.
- 2011 – present. World Federation of Occupational Therapy.
- 1997 – present. American Occupational Therapy Association.
- 1997 – present. American Stroke Association/American Heart Association: Member of the Stroke Council and Quality of Care and Outcomes Research Council
Editorial Boards
• American Journal of Occupational Therapy
• Disability and Rehabilitation
Journal Reviewer:
American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; Occupational Therapy Journal of Research; British Journal of Occupational Therapy; Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy; Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation; Behavioral Neurology;
Honors & Awards
- Inducted into the Virginia Apgar Academy of Medical Educator, CUIMC, 2020
- AOTA Recognition of Achievement Award: Author/Educator Who Has Advanced Neurorehabilitation, 2019
- Inducted into the AOTA Roster of Fellows for Outstanding Contributions to Neurorehabilitation Education and Scholarship, 2016.
- Professional Member of AOTA, WFOT, and NYSOTA
- Professional Member of American Heart/Stroke Association. Councils: Stroke Council Quality of Care and Outcomes Research Council
- Board Certified in Neurorehabilitation by the AOTA (1996-2006)
- Presenter at AOTA National Conferences and NYSOTA Annual Conferences
- Editorial Board (Reviewer): American Journal of Occupational Therapy
- Guest Reviewer: American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Disability and Rehabilitation, Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, British Journal of Occupational Therapy, and Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
- Formal Invitation for Admittance into Kappa Delta Phi Honor Society for Education, 2000
Selected Publications
Peer Reviewed Publications
Fokas, E.E., Parnandi, A.R., Venkatesan, A., Pandit, N.G., Wirtanen, A.A., Nilsen, D.M., Schambra, H.M. (2022). Dual-tasking in daily activities in adults with and without stroke. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 77(1).
Rushanan, S., Nilsen, D.M., Grajo, L., & Carroll, K. (2022). Assessing and building clinical competence in occupational therapists treating patients with neurodegenerative disease: A community of practice study. Occupational Journal of Health Care. https://doi.org/10.1080/07380577.2022.2105470
Parnandi A, Kaku A, Venkatesan A, Pandit N, Wirtanen A, Rajamohan H, Venkataramanan K, Nilsen D, Fernandez-Granda C, Schambra H. (2022).PrimSeq: a deep learning-based pipeline to quantitate rehabilitation training. PLOS Digital Health, 1(6):e0000044.
Chen A, Winterbottom L, Park S, Xu J, Nilsen D, Stein J, Ciocarlie M. Thumb Stabilization and Assistance in a Robotic Hand Orthosis for Post-Stroke Hemiparesis. IEEE Robotics and Automation
Letters 2022. 7(3):8276-8282
Rushanan, S., Nilsen, D.M., & Grajo, L. (2021). Determining the initial content validity of the clinical competency assessment tool for occupational therapists treating patients with neurodegenerative disease. The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 9(4), 1-11. https://doi.org/ 10.15453/2168-6408.1798
Geller, D., Nilsen, D.M. Quinn, L., Van Lew, S., Bayona, C. & Gillen, G. (2021) Home mirror therapy: a randomized controlled pilot study comparing unimanual and bimanual mirror therapy for improved arm and hand function post-stroke, Disability and Rehabilitation, DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2021.1973121
Parnandi, A., Uddin, J., Nilsen D.M., & Schambra, H.M. (2019). The Pragmatic Classification of Upper Extremity Motion in Neurological Patients: A Primer. Frontiers Neurology, 10:996. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.00996
Schambra, H.M., Parnandi , A., Natasha G. Pandit, N.G.., Jasim Uddin, J. , Audre Wirtanen, A., & Nilsen, D.M. (2019). A taxonomy of functional upper extremity motion. Frontiers Neurology, 10:857. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.00857
Weber, L.M., Nilsen, D. M., Gillen, G., Yoon, J, & Stein, J. (2019). Immersive virtual reality mirror therapy for upper limb recovery after stroke: A pilot study. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 98, 783-788.doi: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000001190
Parnandi, A., Uddin, J., Nilsen, D., & Schambra, H. (2018). Pragmatic classification of movement primitives for stroke rehabilitation. arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.08697 [cs.LG] https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.08697
Hreha, K., Gillen, G., Noce, N., & Nilsen, D. (2018). The feasibility and effectiveness of using prism adaptation to treat motor and spatial dysfunction in stroke survivors with multiple incidents of stroke. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation doi 10.1080/10749357.2018.1437937
Guerra, J., Uddin, J., Nilsen, D.M., Mclnerney, J., Fadoo, A., Omofuma, I.B., Hughes, S., Agrawal, S., Allen, P., & Schambra, H.M. (2017). Capture, learning, and classification of upper extremity movement primitives in healthy controls and stroke patients. IEEE Int Conf Rehabil Robot, 547-554. doi:10.1109/ICORR.2017.8009305.
Bushnell, C., Bettger, J.P., Cockroft, K.M., Cramer, S.C., Edelen, M.O., Hanley, D., Katzan, I., Mattke, S., Nilsen, D.M., Piquado, T., Skidmore, E.R., Wing, K., Yenokyan, G. (2015). Chronic stroke outcome measures for motor function intervention trials: expert panel recommendations. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, 8:S163-S169. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCOUTCOMES.115.002098
Nilsen, D.M., Gillen, G., Arbesman, M. & Lieberman, D. (2015). Evidence connection - Occupational therapy interventions for adults with stroke. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 69, 6905395010. doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2015.695002.
Coker, E., McIsaac, T., & Nilsen, D.M. (2015). Motor imagery modality in expert dancers: an investigation of hip and pelvis kinematics in demi-plié and sauté. Journal of Dance Medicine and Science, 19(2), 63-69. doi.org/10.12678/1089-313X.19.2.63
Nilsen, D. M., Gillen, G., Geller, D., Hreha, K., Osei, E., & Saleem, G. (2015). Effectiveness of interventions to improve occupational performance for those with motor impairments after stroke: An evidence based review. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 69(1), 6901180030p1-6901180030p9. doi: 10.5014/ajot.2015.011965.
Gillen, G., Nilsen, D. M., Attridge, J., Banakos, E., Morgan, M., Winterbottom, L., & York, W. (co-first author) (2015). Effectiveness of interventions to improve occupational performance for those with cognitive impairments after stroke: An evidence based review. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 69(1), 6901180040p1-6901180040p9. doi: 10.5014/ajot.2015.012138.
Nilsen, D. M. & DiRusso, T. (2014). Using mirror therapy in the home environment: a case report. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68(3), e84 e89. doi:10.5014/ajot.2014.010389
Nilsen, D. M., Gillen, G., Geller, D., Hreha, K., Osei, E., & Saleem, G. (2014). What is the evidence for the effectiveness of interventions to improve occupational performance for those with motor deficits after stroke? [Critically Appraised Topic]. Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association, Evidence-Based Practice Project. Available online here.
Gillen, G., Nilsen, D. M., Attridge, J., Banakos, E., Morgan, M., Winterbottom, L., & York, W. (co-first author) (2014) What is the evidence for the effectiveness of interventions to improve occupational performance for those with cognitive impairments after stroke? [Critically Appraised Topic]. Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association, Evidence-Based Practice Project. Available online here.
Nobbe, J., Nilsen, D.M, & Gillen, G. (2012). Mental practice is modifiable: changes in perspective maintenance and vividness post-stroke. Journal of Imagery Research in Sport and Physical Activity, 7(1), Article 4, 1-16.
Nilsen, D.M., Gillen, G., Dirusso, T. & Gordon, A. (2012). Effect of imagery perspective on occupational performance after stroke: a randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 66, 320-329.
Giron Coker, E., McIsaac, T., & Nilsen D.M. (2012). Effects of kinesthetic vs. visual imagery practice on two technical dance movements: a case series. Journal of Dance Medicine and Science, 16(1), 36-38.
Nilsen, D.M., Gillen, G., & Gordon, A.M. (2010). Use of mental practice to improve upper limb recovery after stroke: a systematic review. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 64, 695-708.
Steenbergen, B., Craje, C., Nilsen, D.M., & Gordon, A.M. (2009). Motor imagery training in hemiplegic cerebral palsy: A potentially useful therapeutic tool for rehabilitation. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 51(9), 690-696.
Nilsen, D.M., Kaminski, T.R., & Gordon, A. M. (2003). The effect of body orientation on a point-to-point movement in healthy elderly persons. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 57, 99-107.
Other Peer-Reviewed Publications in Print or Other Media
Nilsen, D. M., Gillen, G., Geller, D., Hreha, K., Osei, E., & Saleem, G. (2014). What is the evidence for the effectiveness of interventions to improve occupational performance for those with motor deficits after stroke? [Critically Appraised Topic]. Bethesda, MD: AOTA, Evidence-Based Practice Project. [used nationally to guide OT practice for adults with stroke and served as foundation for the development of the 2015 AOTA Stroke Practice Guidelines]
Gillen, G., Nilsen, D. M., Attridge, J., Banakos, E., Morgan, M., Winterbottom, L., & York, W. [co first author] (2014). What is the evidence for the effectiveness of interventions to improve occupational performance for those with cognitive impairments after stroke? [Critically Appraised Topic]. Bethesda, MD: AOTA, Evidence-Based Practice Project [used nationally to guide OT practice for adults with stroke and served as foundation for the development of the 2015 AOTA Stroke Practice Guidelines]/
Radford, K., & Nilsen, D.M. (2020). BJOT special issue: Stroke rehabilitation. British Journal of Occupational Therapy,
83(11), 661-663.
Gillen, G., & Nilsen, D.M. (Eds.). (2021). Stroke Rehabilitation: A Function-Based Approach (5th ed.). Elsevier Science.
Wolf, T., & Nilsen, D.M. [co-first author] (2015). Occupational therapy practice guidelines for adults with stroke. AOTA Press. The co-authors contributed equally to the development of this guideline. The guidelines are available as a published book, and they are also available at www.guidelines.gov at the National Guidelines Clearing House, which is an internationally recognized platform for dissemination of clinical guidelines.
Book Chapters
Nilsen, D.M., Winterbottom, L.W., & Goldberg, C. (in press). Fundamental of neurorehabilitation. In M.J. Johnson & R.J. Mendonca (Eds.) Rehabilitation Robots for Neurorehabilitation in High, Middle, and Low Income Countries: A Road Map for Engineers and Clinicians. Elsevier Science
Nilsen, D.M. & Gillen, G. (in press). Motor function and occupational performance. In G. Gillen & T. Brown (Eds.) Willard and Spackman’s Occupational Therapy (14th ed., pp). Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins.
Lampinen, J., Bernspång, B., & Nilsen, D.M. (2021). Enhancing performance of activities of daily living tasks. In Gillen, G. & D.M. Nilsen (Eds.) Stroke Rehabilitation: A Function-Based Approach (5th ed., 88-119). Elsevier Science.
Mathiowetz, V., Nilsen, D.M., & Gillen, G. (2021). Task-oriented approach to stroke rehabilitation. In G. Gillen, & D.M. Nilsen (Eds.) Stroke Rehabilitation: A Function-Based Approach (5th ed., 59-79). Elsevier Science.
Nilsen, D.M., Donato, S.M., Halliday Pulaski, K., & Gillen, G. (2021). Standing postural control: Supporting functional independence. In G. Gillen, & D.M. Nilsen (Eds.) Stroke Rehabilitation: A Function-Based Approach (5th ed., 381-412). Elsevier Science.
Gillen, G., & Nilsen, D.M. (2021). Upper extremity function and management. In G. Gillen, & D.M. Nilsen (Eds.) Stroke Rehabilitation: A Function-Based Approach (5th ed., 413-474). Elsevier Science.
Nilsen, D. M., & Gillen, G. (2020). Motor control assessment. In D. Powers Dirette & S. A. Gutman (Eds.). Occupational Therapy for Physical Dysfunction (8th ed., pp 290-310). Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins.
Nilsen, D. M., & Gillen, G. (2020). Motor control intervention. In D. Powers Dirette & S. A. Gutman (Eds.). Occupational Therapy for Physical Dysfunction (8th ed., pp 311-328). Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins.
Nilsen, D. M. & Gillen, G. (2020). Motor Learning and Task-Oriented Approaches In D. Powers Dirette & S. A. Gutman (Eds.). Occupational therapy for physical dysfunction (8th ed., pp 699-716). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins.
Nilsen, D. M., & Gillen, G. (2020). Cerebrovascular accident. In D. Powers Dirette & S. A. Gutman (Eds.). Occupational Therapy for Physical Dysfunction (8th ed., pp. 735-764). Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins.
Gutman, S.A., & Nilsen, D.M. (2020). Cranial nerve assessment. In D. Powers Dirette & S. A. Gutman (Eds.). Occupational therapy for physical dysfunction (8th ed., pp. 387-403). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins.
Gillen, G., & Nilsen, D.M. (2019). Motor function and occupational performance. In Schell, B. & Gillen, G. (Eds.) Willard and Spackman's Occupational Therapy, Centennial Edition (13th ed., pp 870-900). Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins.
Nilsen, D.M., & Boisselle, A.K. (2019). Neural basis of adaptation: neuroplasticity and movement sciences. In Grajo, L.C., & Boisselle, A.K. (Eds). Adaptation Through Occupation: Multidimensional Perspectives. (pp. 35-57). Slack Incorporated, Thorofare, NJ.
Gillen, G. & Nilsen, D.M. (2016). Upper extremity function and management. In Gillen, G. (ed.) Stroke rehabilitation: A function based approach (4th ed.). (pp. 424-485). St. Louis: Elsevier Science.
Nilsen, D.M., Kaminski, T.R., & Gordon, A.M. (2003). The effect of body orientation on a point-to-point movement in healthy elderly persons. In M. Corcoran (Ed.)., Geriatric issues in occupational therapy: A compendium of leading research. (pp. 53-65). Bethesda, MD: AOTA Press.
Public Media
Nilsen, D.M. (2018, November/December). Interview for the American Occupational Therapy Association: Choosing Wisely®. "Dawn Nilsen on Occupation-Based Interventions for Clients with a Hemiplegic Shoulder." https://www.aota.org/publications-news/otp/archive/2018/choosing-wisely-....
Nilsen, D.M. (2017, June). Lehman College, Public Health Minute. "Stroke Rehabilitation." http://wp.lehman.edu/public-health-minute-with-william-latimer/stroke-re... university/
Gillen, G., & Nilsen, D.M. (co-first author) (2015). Optimizing stroke survivors' quality of life. Today's Geriatric Medicine: Vintage Voices, 8(3), 34. www.todaysgeriatricmedicine.com. Piece is designed to educate the public and other healthcare professionals about the unique role of occupational therapy in stroke rehabilitation.
Nilsen, D.M., & Geller, D. (2015, April). The role of occupational therapy in stroke rehabilitation. American Occupational Therapy Association. http://www.aota.org/-/media/Corporate/Files/AboutOT/Professionals/Whatis...
Geller, D., Nilsen, D.M., VanLew, S., Bernardo, M., Gillen, G., Bateman, C., Graziano, K., Kadota, L., Swinnerton, P., & Zivari, O. (2016). Home mirror therapy: a randomized control pilot study comparing unimanual and bimanual therapy for improved arm/hand function post-stroke. Abstract for oral research presentation #218 at ACRM Annual Meeting.
Bishop, L., Stein, J., Schoenherr, G.S., Chen, C., Nilsen, D.M., Beer, R., & Helbock, R. (2014). Robot-assisted hand exercise compared with conventional exercise therapy after ischemic stroke: A pilot study. Abstract for poster session presented at the ASNR Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.