Clare Bassile, PT, EdD
- Associate Professor of Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine (Physical Therapy) at CUMC
Dr. Bassile's areas of professional expertise include adult neurorehabilitation with emphasis on individuals with stroke and demyelinating diseases. Her current research projects evaluate the use of standardized outcome measures along with other factors during acute stroke hospitalization to influence discharge destination and length of stay. She recently completed an investigation of the barriers to mental health in homebound adults with her community partner at the YM/WHA of Washington Heights & Inwood. This project was funded by the Community Based Participatory Research Program at Columbia University's Irving Center for Clinical & Translational Studies. For her contributions to the professional education and research literature please see publications. Additionally, she is a consultant and clinician at the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, New York Presbyterian Hospital.
Academic Appointments
- Associate Professor of Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine (Physical Therapy) at CUMC
Credentials & Experience
Education & Training
- BS, 1980 Physical Therapy, State University of New York - Downstate Medical Center
- MA, 1988 Movement Science (Motor Control & Learning), Teachers College, Columbia University
- EdM, 1989 Movement Science (Motor Control & Learning), Teachers College, Columbia University
- EdD, 1995 Movement Science (Motor Control & Learning), Teachers College, Columbia University
Committees, Societies, Councils
Member, American Physical Therapy Association, Neurology & Research Sections
Peer Reviewer, International Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, Pediatric Physical Therapy, American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation
Strategic planning committee for “State of Research in Neurologic Physical Therapy”, Neurology Section, APTA
Literature Appraiser for Clinical Practice Guideline “Physical Therapy Management of Foot Drop using AFO or FES in People with Post-Stroke Hemiplegia”, Neurology Section, APTA
Honors & Awards
American Heart Association Clinical Research Demonstration Project Award
Humanism in Medicine Award, Arnold P. Gold Foundation, Columbia University
Robert S. Salant Award for Excellence in Research, NY State Chapter APTA
American Physical Therapy Association Doctoral Dissertation Award, Foundation of Physical Therapy
Research interests: Emphasis on recovery of function following neurological injury, especially stroke and demyelinating diseases.
Selected Publications
Recent Publications
1. Casertano LO, Bassile CC., Pfeffer JS, TM, Stein J, Willey JZ, Rao AK. Utility of the AM-PAC "6 Clicks" Mobility & ADL Short Forms to Determine Discharge Destination in an Acute Stroke Population: A Retrospective Study. American Journal Occupational Therapy 76(4). doi: 10.5014/ajot.2022.047381.
2. Chen, S., Qiu Y., Bassile CC., Lee, A., Chen R., & Xu, D. (2022). Effectiveness and Success Factors of Bilateral Arm Training After Stroke: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 14. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2022.875794.
3. Rief, K., Kenny, J., Sano, E., Chae, H., Gunderson, L., Bassile CC., ... & Gavin, N. (2022). Physical therapists in the emergency department, Do they affect disposition decisions of older adults?. The American Journal of emergency medicine, 56, 372-374.
4. Casertano, L., Nathanson, R., Bassile CC., & Quinn, L. (2021). Neurological complications in COVID-19: a single case study of rehabilitation treatment. International Journal of Therapy And Rehabilitation, 1-12.
5. Pavol MA, Bassile CC., Lehman J, et al. (2018) Modified Approach to Stroke Rehabilitation (MAStR): Feasibility study of a method to apply procedural memory concepts to transfr training. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation,
6. Gulfo KM, Bishop L, Gillen G, Bassile CC et al (2018) Selection of post-acute care for stroke patients. The Open Journal of Occupation Therapy. Vol 6:Iss.1, Article 3,
7. MacPherson CE, Bassile CC. (2016) Pulmonary physical therapy techniques to enhance survival in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Systematic Review. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy 40:165-175.
8. Appelboom G, Taylor B, Bruce E, Bassile CC et al. (2015) Smartphone-connected wearable motion sensors to assess post-operative mobilization. JMIR mHealth uHealth 3(3):e78 doi:10.2196/mhealth.3785.
9. Marshall, R. S., Cheung, Y. K., Bassile CC., Evensen, L.A., Chen, R., Perez, V., ... & Boden-Albala, B. (2011, October). Very Early Gait Training after Acute Stroke; a Dose-Escalation Study. In ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY (Vol. 70, pp. S50-S50). COMMERCE PLACE, 350 MAIN ST, MALDEN 02148, MA USA: WILEY-BLACKWELL.
10. Evensen, L.A., Ruff, I., Lennihan, L., Bassile, CC., Hepburn-Smith, M., Mallory, B., ... & Boden-Albala, B. (2009, April). Post-Stroke Rehabilitation: Differing Perspectives among Patients and Providers. In STROKE (Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. E253-E253). 530 WALNUT ST, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106-3621 USA: LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS.
11. Bassile CC, Curtis CL, Hardesty D (2005) Physical activity performance and quality of life in individuals with early stage Parkinson's Disease and their partners. Movement Disorders. 20(S10):130.
12. Bassile CC, PC Montgomery, BH Connolly (2004). Clinical applications for motor control. Physical Therapy. 84(3):290-291.
13. Bassile CC, Dean C, Boden-Albala B, Sacco R. (2003). Obstacle training program for individuals post stroke: Feasibility study. Clinical Rehabilitation. 17(2):130-136.
14. Sandow E, Bronner S, Spriggs J, Bassile CC, Rao AK, Brownstein B. (2003). A kinematic comparison of a dance movement in expert dancers and novices. J Orthopedic Sports Physical Therapy. 33(2): A-25.
15. Bassile CC. (2002). Meeting the Challenge of Progressive Multiple Sclerosis, PK Coyle & J Halper, Physical Therapy. 82(4):415-416.
16. Bear-Lehman J, Bassile CC, Gillen G. (2002) How patients on a rehabilitation unit spend their day: A look at behavioral mapping. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics. 20(1):17-27.
17. Curtis, CL, Post HC, Koehler DL, Murray LA, Thomas SL, Bassile CC, Chiarello CM. (2002). Assessment of physical activity performance in individuals with Parkinson Disease: Identifying a survey tool. Physical Therapy. 26(4):207-208.
18. Sandow E, Bronner S, Spriggs J, Bassile CC, Rao AK, Brownstein B. (2002). Coordination of a skilled dance movement, the passe, in professional female dancers and non-dancers. International Association for Dance Medicine & Science.
19. Curtis CL, Bassile CC, Cote LJ, Gentile AM. (2001). Exercise program for individuals with Parkinson Disease: Effects of functional ability and quality of life. Neurology Report.25(1):2-11.
20. Bassile CC, Dean C, Boden-Albala B, Sacco R. (2000). Obstacle training program for individuals post stroke: Feasibility Study. Neurology Report, 24(5):201.
Book Chapters
1. Bassile CC., Hayes S. (2021) Gait Awareness. In Gillen G & Nelson D (Eds): Stroke Rehabilitation: A Function Based Approach 5th Ed., Elsevier Sciences UK.
2. Lennon S, Bassile CC. (2019) Guiding Principles in Neurological Rehabilitation. In Lennon S, Verheyden G, Ramdharry G (Eds): Physical Management for Neurological Conditions. 4th Ed., Elsevier Sciences UK.
3. Lennon S, Bassile CC. (2019) Guiding Principles in Neurological Rehabilitation. In Lennon S, Verheyden G, Ramdharry G (Eds): Neurological Physiotherapy Pocketbook, 2nd Ed., Elsevier Sciences UK.
4. Bassile CC, Hayes S (2016) Gait Awareness. In Gillen G (Ed): Stroke Rehabilitation: A Function Based Approach 3rd Ed., Elsevier Sciences UK.
5. Bassile CC. (2016) Linking Foundational and Clinical Sciences: Variables that Affect Practice & Learning. In J Cormack (Ed) Compendium for Teaching Professional Level Physical Therapy Neurologic Content, Neurology Section APTA, Virginia.
6. Bassile CC. (2016) Patient Management Section: Mentoring Activity & Gait Lab. In J Cormack (Ed) Compendium for Teaching Professional Level Physical Therapy Neurologic Content, Neurology Section APTA, Virginia.
7. Bassile CC. (2016) Integrative CLinical Experience: Wheelchair Assignment & Intervention Assessment. In J Cormack (Ed) Compendium for Teaching Professional Level Physical Therapy Neurologic Content, Neurology Section APTA, Virginia.
8. Bassile CC, Lennon S (2008) Guiding principles for neurological physiotherapy. In Lennon S, Stokes M (Eds) Pocketbook of Neurological Physiotherapy. Elsevier Sciences, Oxford UK.
9. Bassile CC. (2002). Central & Peripheral Demyelinating Diseases. In L. Riolo (Ed): Topics in Physical Therapy: Neurology, APTA, Alexandria, VA, pp.8-1 to 8-30.
10. Bassile CC, (2001). Task & Movement Analysis Section: CVA Lab- Bed Mobility and Transfers, In Gill-Body, K & Schenkman M (Eds) Compendium for Teaching Entry-Level Neurologic Content, Neurology Section APTA, Virginia pp.69-71.
11. Bassile CC, (2001). Patient Management Section: CVA Lab- UE and Sitting Activities. In Gill-Body, K & Schenkman M (Eds) Compendium for Teaching Entry-Level Neurologic Content, Neurology Section APTA, Virginia pp.99-101.
12. Bassile CC, (2001). Patient Management Section: Parkinson's Disease Lab. In Gill-Body, K & Schenkman M (Eds) Compendium for Teaching Entry-Level Neurologic Content, Neurology Section APTA, Virginia pp.106-108.