2024 ATC Presenters

CCTI Well Represented at ATC 2024

At the 2024 American Transplant Congress being held June 1-5th in Philadelphia, the CCTI has ten speakers and poster presenters discussing our latest findings in xenotransplantation, immunosupression & tolerance, biomarkers and more. Here is a full list of our member's presentations: 


5:30 – 7 PM - Poster Abstract Presentations
Location: Poster Hall, Exhibit Hall A, Level 2
Presenter: Dr. Farshid Fathi
Session: Poster Abstract Session - Late Breaking Abstracts: Basic Science and Translational
Poster Title: “Donor-Specific T Cell Activation and Expansion Following a Pig-to-Human Decedent Kidney Transplant.”
Abstract ID #: A211

Presenter: Dr. Daniel Wolbrom
Session: Poster Abstract Session - Xenotransplantation
Poster Title:A Novel Technique for Cardiac Xenotransplantation: Non-Ischemic Beating Heart Transplantation in a Pig-to Baboon Model.”
Abstract ID #: A320

Presenter: Dr. Daniel Wolbrom
Session: Poster Abstract Session - Xenotransplantation
Poster Title: “Expression of Human Complement Regulatory Proteins CD55 & CD59 Delays Antibody Mediated Rejection of Swine Kidneys in Nonhuman Primates.”
Abstract ID #: A328


7 – 8 AM – Hot Topic Debate- Gray Matters: The Decedent Model is the Favored Pathway to Xenotransplantation Clinical Trials Over More Non-Human Primate Studies
Moderator: Dr. Megan Sykes
Location: 107-AB, Level 1

9:15 – 10 AM - Poster Abstract Presentation
Presenter: Dr. Nathan Suek
Session: Poster Abstract Session - Biomarkers: -omics and Systems Biology
Poster Title: “The First Report of Three-Way Macrochimerism and Alloreactivity Using Single Cell Profiling in a Patient Receiving Multivisceral Transplantation Following Loss of an Initial Liver-Intestinal Transplant.”
Location: Poster Hall, Exhibit Hall A, Level 2
Abstract ID #: B024

4:30 – 4:40 pm - Rapid Fire Oral Abstract Presentation
Presenter: Dr. Satyajit Patwardhan
Session: Rapid Fire Oral Abstract Session - Immunosuppression & Tolerance: Preclinical & Translational Studies
Poster Title: “Tolerance of Donor Intestinal Allografts without Induction Immunosuppression Following Prior Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: First Report in a Large Animal Model.”
Location: 204-ABC, Level 2
Abstract ID #: 436


9:15 – 10 AM - Poster Abstract Presentation
Presenter: Dr. M. Esad Gunes
Session: Poster Abstract Session - Immunosuppression & Tolerance: Preclinical & Translational Studies
Poster Title: “MHC Class II Sharing Promotes Donor Treg-Mediated Tolerance after Intestinal Transplantation in Swine.”
Location: Poster Hall, Exhibit Hall A, Level 2
Abstract ID #: C082


9:15 – 10 AM - Poster Abstract Presentation
Location: Poster Hall, Exhibit Hall A, Level 2
Presenter: Dr. Jianing Fu
Session: Poster Abstract Session - B-cell Antibody Autoimmunity
Poster Title: “Dynamic Establishment and Maintenance of the Human Intestinal B Cell Population and Repertoire Following Transplantation.”
Abstract ID #: D005

Presenter: Dr. Julie Hong
Session: Poster Abstract Session - Biomarkers: Abdominal
Poster Title: “Novel ELISAs for Intraluminal Markers Could Indicate Intestinal Transplant Rejection.”
Abstract ID #: D021