Previous Scholars

Class of 2023

Emma Mizrahi-Powell headshot

Emma Mizrahi-Powell

Project Title: Genetic Counselors for Choice

Developed a student-led organization, Genetic Counselors for Choice, which fights for reproductive rights with support from genetic counselors and allies.  Emma and her cohort raised $10,000 after the Dobbs decision for the National Abortion Federation’s Dr. Tiller Patient Assistance Fund in honor of Dr. George Tiller.




Amanda Chan headshot

Amanda Chan

Project Title: Affinity Group Needs Assessment for Columbia GC Students and Faculty

The Needs Assessment came out of a desire to create affinity spaces for students of the Columbia genetic counseling program. A program-wide survey was sent out to assess utilization of current support/affinity groups and determine areas of growth. Results were presented to the Columbia genetic counseling community and resulted in the creation of an affinity resource section in the GC student handbook and a workshop reviewing these resources during student orientation.