About Us

The Columbia Center for Translational Immunology (CCTI) at Columbia University Irving Medical Center is a multi-departmental, multidisciplinary research center aimed at optimizing translation of advances in basic immunology from the laboratory to the clinic, understanding immunological diseases and events in humans. and optimizing transfer of information and methodologies to achieve synergy between different disciplines of applied immunology.
CUIMC has the largest organ transplant program in the country, and a major reason for establishing the CCTI was the need for an in-depth laboratory research program focused around the extraordinary potential provided by this clinical program. The Center was established in April 2010 and currently includes 15 faculty members, including 13 Principal Investigators. The CCTI includes laboratories working in various areas of organ transplantation, hematopoietic cell transplantation, type 1 diabetes, other areas of autoimmunity, tumor immunology, stem cell biology, and basic immunology.
CCTI investigators have expertise at all levels of immunology and transplantation, from molecular biology to large animal and clinical transplantation studies. The CCTI Cores include a Biobank, a Human Studies Core, an Imaging/Flow Cytometry Core, an Animal Core, and a Humanized Mouse Core.