Revisit Day 2020
Letters of acceptance for the VP&S Class of 2024 were sent in early March, and about 130 of those accepted applicants participated in this year’s online Revisit Day.
The two-day event offered virtual information and breakout sessions and gave accepted students an opportunity to talk with current students who served as revisit leaders.
April 2 started with a welcome session hosted by the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs. An information session about the P&S Club was followed by small group discussions with revisit leaders. During the revisit leaders’ sessions, current students were assigned to a small group of accepted applicants who could ask questions about the student experience, extracurricular activities, research, curriculum, and other topics of interest to them. Those small group discussions also gave accepted students an opportunity to meet other accepted students—their future classmates.
On April 3, welcome remarks were offered by Lee Goldman, dean; Anne Armstrong-Coben, MD, senior associate dean for admissions; Donald Quest, MD, assistant dean for admissions; Lisa Mellman, MD, interim co-vice dean for education and senior associate dean for student affairs; Jonathan Amiel, MD, interim co-vice dean for education and senior associate dean for curricular affairs; Hilda Hutcherson, MD, senior associate dean for diversity and multicultural affairs; and Elizabeth Shane, MD, associate dean of student research.
Breakout sessions were offered on research/scholarly projects, student support, and clinics/service-learning opportunities. Additional information sessions focused on the Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association, the Black and Latino Student Organization, and the First-Generation and Low-Income Partnership.
“Revisit Day is typically a highlight of our admissions cycle and important for our recruiting efforts. Year after year, we hear from our first-year class that meeting our current VP&S students is what drew them to us as a school. They love the community of students and get a sense of our prioritization of student wellness and balance as they embark on this journey from student to doctor,” says Dr. Armstrong-Coben.
“Although the format was unusual this year, our current students and faculty truly extended themselves to give these applicants a sense of who we are to help them make their final decisions about our school. Even virtually, the school’s values and culture remain a strong selling point, and we are confident that the Class of 2024 will match the excellence of the classes that preceded it.”