Alumni in Print
The Rise and Fall of the Prostate Cancer Scam (Revised and Expanded Third Edition)
Anthony Horan’65
On the Write Path Publishing, 2019
In the early 1970s, urologists had prostate cancer screening just about right: no screening, no radiation, and no radical surgery. By the 1980s, Dr. Horan writes, radical surgery was revived without new evidence, and an unproven new blood test was introduced. This revised edition of Dr. Horan’s book delves into why these changes were implemented and why more recent recommendations have concluded that they were ineffective or even harmful. “Dr. Horan’s book, written with verve and passion, presents a compelling view of the prostate cancer story,” writes Dr. Laurence Klotz.
Complex Systems in Medicine: A Hedgehog’s Tale of Complexity in Clinical Practice, Research, Education, and Management
David C. Aron’75
Springer International Publishing, 2020
Dr. Aron’s book explores how knowledge of complex systems can be applied to four key roles in academic medicine: clinical practice, education, research, and administration. Written conversationally, and including illustrative anecdotes from the author, the book aims to be a valuable resource for medical professionals while still remaining accessible to a nonmedical audience. Unlike other books on complexity in medicine, which tend to focus on one aspect of managing patients, this book deals with the multifaceted roles of a physician, exploring the elements of patient care that make medicine both a science and an art.
Preventing Child Trafficking: A Public Health Approach
Jonathan Todres, JD, and
Angela Diaz’81/PhD’16
Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019
Child trafficking is a critical issue that demands an effective, comprehensive response, from the national level down to the local. But it’s unclear whether current strategies and tools used to combat this exploitation have succeeded in reducing the prevalence of trafficking. In their new book, Dr. Diaz and Mr. Todres (a Columbia Law School graduate) explore how the public health field can play a role in identifying, preventing, and responding to child trafficking. The authors use their years of experience to recommend how professionals and organizations can take action to find and help at-risk and trafficked children.
The Autoimmune Brain
David S. Younger’81
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2019
Millions of people experience issues related to brain health—including depression, anxiety, forgetfulness, attention issues, fatigue, or even chronic pain—but many have a hard time figuring out what’s causing their problems and what can be done about them. Dr. Younger aims to provide relief to patients and families who are frustrated, scared, or confused about their brain health. Based on his own research, Dr. Younger’s book examines how common brain health symptoms connect to changes in the immune system, particularly bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections. He also looks at how traumatic stress (physical or emotional) and genetics affect health, noting that a change in personality, behavior, and emotional state might be the first sign of a health problem elsewhere in the body.
Who Says You’re Dead?
Jacob M. Appel’09
Algonquin Books, 2019
Dr. Appel has written a timely, thought-provoking book about some of the most challenging—and shocking—medical ethics dilemmas doctors have faced. The book presents scenarios to the readers, allowing them to put themselves in the doctor’s role, before revealing what happened in the real-life cases on which the scenarios are based. Covering everything from fertility to end-of-life issues, Dr. Appel’s book is a compelling read for anyone looking to better understand the complex ethical decisions that underlie modern medicine.