Our Alumni Testimonials
The majority of our alumni proceed to thriving academic careers. Those who go into clinical practice provide high quality care and expertise. Recent Alumni share their experiences below:
Completing my GI Fellowship at Columbia University Medical Center was an amazing experience. I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn from and work with world class teachers, clinicians, and researchers. Their support is unwavering, and through their guidance and mentorship, I have gained the tools needed to take the next steps in my career. Additionally, with the program's support, I was able to complete a Master's program in patient oriented research at the Columbia Mailman School of Public Health, which will be instrumental in guiding my future research. This, coupled with the wonderful staff and amazing patient population, make it a truly unique place to train. I have gained lifetime friends and colleagues, and absolutely loved my fellowship here.
Adam Faye, MD MS, IBD Fellow, Mount Sinai
CUMC GI Fellow 2017-2020
Fellowship at Columbia was a whirlwind experience with the opportunity to work with some of the leading experts in gastroenterology and hepatology and a collective group of supportive fellows. Caring for the underserved population in Washington Heights was a rewarding experience. My time at Columbia had a significant influence on my career and enabled me to get to where I am today.
Kenneth Hung, MD, MS, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Yale School of Medicine
CUMC Fellow 2016-2019
Three years of GI fellowship at Columbia was truly a fantastic experience, both clinically and academically. In the first year, the hybrid teaching attending model with a combination of two phenomenal GI teaching hospitalists working alongside the rest of the teaching faculty created the perfect clinical environment for learning and bonding with co-fellows and mentors. The opportunity to rotate with all of the faculty members provided me with the ability to form relationships and learn from attendings with different management and procedural styles, while the GI hospitalists provided us not only great teaching but also steadfast support. Absolutely no one was ever bothered by being called at any time of night. In the second two years, the Allen and transplant hepatology months continue the tradition of unparalleled clinical education, and I was able to spend the remainder of my time pursuing my academic interests in colorectal cancer and colonoscopy quality. I completed the POR master's program in the second two years, which gave me the skills I needed to design my own research studies and carry out the statistical analysis on my own. If I had to do it again, I would choose Columbia every time, and am honored to now be a part of the faculty!
Anna Krigel, MD, MS, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Columbia University Irving Medical Center
CUMC Fellow 2017-2020
My fellowship experience at Columbia was fantastic - the people here really can't be beat! Being surrounded by brilliant and supportive faculty and co-fellows helped me get the most out of my clinical experience, and the structure of the program helped me solidify and grow my research interests. My mentors were wholeheartedly invested in my success and the POR program was an invaluable opportunity, providing me with the tools and resources I needed to set myself up for a successful career in the long term.
Monika Laszkowska MD, MS, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering,
CUMC Fellow 2017-2020
I had an amazing experience at Columbia which prepared me well for a career in academic gastroenterology. The fellowship, while rigorous, is incredibly flexible and can be tailored your specific goals. I still think about the lessons I learned from key mentors during my three years of fellowship, and am grateful to have had the chance to work with the people I did.
SriHari Mahadev, MD MS, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine/New York-Presbyterian Hospital,
Advanced Endoscopy CUMC Fellow 2014-2017
I will always be grateful for my experience at CUMC over the last 4 years. Not only have I met some of the greatest friends and mentors, but I have received a training here that is second to none. I am confident going forward in my career that I am more than prepared for any clinical hurdles that I may encounter.
Anish Patel, MD, Advanced Endoscopy, Valley Health, NJ, CUMC Gastroenterology Fellow 2016-2019,
CUMC Advanced Endoscopy Fellow 2019-2020